Wednesday, July 31, 2019
You Suck: A Love Story Chapter 11~13
Chapter Eleven Then, When They Woke Up â€Å"Oh my God, that stuff turned me completely orange.†â€Å"Not completely.†â€Å"I look like the Great Pumpkin.†â€Å"Good grief, Tommy, you do not.†Chapter Twelve Blood, Coffee, Sex, Magix – Not necessarily in That Order Just after sundown. They watched the coffee dripping out of the filter like they were distilling nitroglycerine and the slightest bit of inattention might cause an explosion. â€Å"It smells really good,†Jody said. â€Å"It's like I never noticed it before,†Tommy said. â€Å"You'd think it would smell sickening, since it's indigestible,†Jody said. The last time she'd taken a sip of coffee, her vampire system had rejected it so violently that she ended up convulsively dry-heaving on the floor, feeling like forks were twisting inside of her. â€Å"This might work,†Tommy said. â€Å"You ready?†â€Å"Ready.†He poured a tablespoonful or so of coffee into a glass cup. Then he uncapped one of the syringes that held William's blood and squirted a few drops into the coffee. â€Å"You first,†he said, swishing the cup around in front of her. â€Å"No, you,†Jody said. As good as the coffee smelled, the memory of her nausea held her back. Tommy shrugged and threw the coffee back like a tequila shooter, then set the cup down on the counter. Jody stepped back and snatched a tea towel off the fridge handle in preparation for the coffee's return trip. Tommy rolled his eyes, shuddered, then grabbed his throat and fell to the floor, twitching and choking. â€Å"Dying,†he croaked. â€Å"Suffering and dying.†Jody was barefoot and didn't want to stub her toe, so she pulled the kick to his ribs. â€Å"You suck, you know that.†Tommy rolled on the floor giggling, curling himself around her foot. â€Å"It works! It works! It works!†He sort of dog-humped her leg in rhythm and tugged at the hem of her robe. â€Å"You never have to be grumpy again!†Jody grinned. â€Å"Pour cups, grommet! Full cups.†Tommy climbed to his feet. â€Å"We don't even know the blood-to-coffee ratio yet.†â€Å"Pour!†Jody was in the fridge in an instant, grabbing another syringe. â€Å"We'll wing it.†The she heard the downstairs door open and spun on her heel. â€Å"William?†Tommy listened to the footfalls coming up the steps and shook his head. â€Å"Nope, too light.†They could hear the key fitting into the lock. â€Å"You said you didn't give her a key,†Jody said. â€Å"I said I didn't give her a key to the bedroom,†Tommy said. â€Å"Lord Flood, there's a stinky dead guy with a huge cat on your landing,†said Abby Normal as she came through the door. THE CHRONICLES OF ABBY NORMAL: Dedicated Servant of the Vampyre Flood I have been to the lair of the vampyre Flood. I am part of the coven! Kinda. Okay, back up. So I like slept till eleven, because we're on Christmas break, only it's called winter break now because Jesus is AN OPPRESSIVE ZOMBIE BASTARD AND WE DO NOT BOW DOWN TO HIS BIRTHDAY! At least not at Allen Ginsberg High School, we don't. (Go, Fighting Beatniks!) But it's all good, 'cause I'm going to have to get used to getting up later if I'm going to be a creature of the night. So, like first thing, I made some toast, and it burned, as black as my soul, and I was so bummed that my tears of despair fell like cold bits of crystal, to be destroyed on the unforgiving rocks of this miserable life. But then I saw that Mom had left a twenty out on the counter with a note: Allison (Allison is my day-slave name – my mom named me after some song by some Elvis guy, so I totally refuse to accept it), here's your lunch money, and please stop at Walgreens and pick up some RID shampoo for Ronnie's head lice. (Veronica is my sister, who is twelve and a total tumor on the ass of my existence.) So, I was like, Sweet! Starbucks! It took forever to pick what I was going to wear, and not just because I'd never rented an apartment before. The lightbulb burned out in my closet and we didn't have any extras, so I had to take everything out in the living room to look at it in the light. Like the song says, I wear black on the outside to reflect the black I feel on the inside, but OMG, it's impossible to tell one thing from another in a dark closet. Since it was going to be a business thing, I decided on my striped tights with my red PVC mini, my skull-and-crossbones hoodie, and my lime Converse All Stars. I went with just a plain stud in my nose, a barbell in my eyebrow, and a simple silver ring in my lip – understated and elegant. I carried my hot-pink biohazard messenger bag. Ronnie was all, â€Å"I wanna come with you, I wanna come with you,†but I pointed out that she was a scourge on humanity and that if she came along I would tell everyone on the bus she had lice, so she elected to stay home and watch toons. It was then that I ventured into the undiscovered country, and called the number that the vampyre Flood had given me. And the woman was totally a bitch. She was like, â€Å"Hello. Blah Blah Property Management.†And I was like, â€Å"I need to rent an apartment.†And she was all, â€Å"How many bedrooms and did you have an area in mind?†And I was all, â€Å"What's with all the questions, bitch? Are you some kind of thought police or something?†And she was like, â€Å"I'm just trying to help.†â€Å"Right, help. Like tuberculosis.†So she's all, â€Å"I beg your pardon,†like the queen of freakin' France or something. And then I remembered that I was supposed to ask for a specific person, so I was like, â€Å"Oh, I need to speak to Alicia DeVries, Is she there?†And the bitch connected me. So it turns out that Alicia DeVries is this crusty hippie who is like as old as my grandma, but wants to be all Earth Mother and everything, which I'm not against, because old hippies have the best pot and they'll just give it to you if you pretend not to notice that they're crusty and old. So Alicia picks me up in her crust-mobile rainbow peace-and-love Jeep CJ and I give her the requirements of the vampyre Flood, which were bedroom with no windows, a washer and dryer, private entrance with lockout, and, at least above the ground floor, windows looking down on the street. And she's all, â€Å"We have to have a Social Security number and driver's license number for the paperwork – you have to be eighteen.†So I'm, â€Å"My client will provide all the information you need, it's just that he's very busy and can't deal with pissant details during the day.†Then I waved the cash that Flood gave me and she went all spacey, overmeditated,  «namaste » on me, like it's not about the money when it's really about the money. Then she takes me to this loft, which it turns out is only like a half a block from the address where Flood said to meet him at sundown. Sweet! So I'm all, â€Å"Excellent, the master will be pleased.†And she's like, â€Å"I'll make you out a receipt.†Then she starts to lecture me about respecting myself as a woman, and not allowing myself to be subjugated to the desires of an older man and shit – like I'm this corporate fuck-puppet for some creepy businessman or something. I didn't want her to get suspicious and try to rescue me, so I'm like, â€Å"No, you misunderstand, I call him the master because he's the sensei of my jujitsu dojo – he's not boning me or anything.†Luckily I have an extensive martial-arts background from watching anime with Jared and I knew that one must never bone the sensei. So she like reaches over and pats my knee. All, â€Å"That's okay, sweetheart.†And I'm like, â€Å"Step off, rug-muncher!†I mean, I'm as bi as the next person, but not with some crusty old hippie – I need music and some X, and then only if some guy has rejected me and thrown my heart into the gutter like an abandoned vegetarian burrito – and even then I draw the line at making out. So she gave me the keys and took my money and just, like, left me there. So I called Lily, who came over with a two-liter of Diet Green Tea, a bag of Cheese Newts (I still hadn't had breakfast), and some book she found called The Big Book of Death. So we looked at the book, which is this how-to thing with great art, and drank tea and ate Cheese Newts until she had to go to work. I wanted to tell her about the vampyre Flood, but I promised that I would keep his secret, so all I told her was that I had discovered my Dark Lord, and he would soon satisfy my every desire and I couldn't tell her anything else. So she was all, â€Å"whatever, ho,†which is what I like about her – Lily is trs noir. So I walked over to the Sony Metreon and watched the flat-screens until it started to get dark. I was already about ready to pee with nervousness when I got to Flood's door, but then, just as I get my key in the door, this big Hummer limo pulls up, and these three college-age guys climb out followed by this blue woman in a silver dress with ginormous fake boobs. And they're all, â€Å"Where is Flood? We need to find Flood?†And she's all, â€Å"Where did you get the key? You need to let us in before it gets dark.†I'm not intimidated – because I know that her boobs are fake. And it's so obvious that they hunt the nosferatu that it's not even funny. Inside, I was like: â€Å"Ha, suck my spiky rubber strap-on, vampyre hunter!†But on the outside I was totally chill. And I'm like, â€Å"I don't know who you're talking about. This is my apartment.†Then I opened the door and inside, lying on the landing, there's this dead guy with a huge bald cat in a red sweater on his chest. And the cat hissed at me and I screamed just a little bit and slammed the door. â€Å"You have to go,†I said. â€Å"My boyfriend is naked and he gets mad if strangers see his enormous unit.†I looked right at the blue bitch when I said that, like: Oh yeah, some of us are confident enough in our own femininity that we don't need fake tits to get a guy with a huge unit. And the black guy is like, â€Å"I just talked to Flood here last night.†And I was like, â€Å"Yeah, he moved.†Then the Asian guy checked his watch and was like, â€Å"Dude, too late, it's officially sunset.†And it was like it was on cue or something, the cat on the dead guy let out a long scary yowl, and even the blue skank backed away toward the limo. â€Å"You'd better go now,†I said, all ominous and full of foreboding and dread. And she was all, â€Å"We'll be back.†And I was like, â€Å"So?†So they went. But then I had to get past the cat and the dead guy and go up the steps. I have to say, that as much as I'm all about the peace of the grave and the glorious gloomth of the nonliving and all, it's different when there's a real dead guy you have to walk over, not to mention a really big, angry cat in a sweater. NOTE TO SELF: Always carry Kitty Treats for Self-Defense (because evidently they don't like Skittles, which I tried). Since I didn't have any kitty treats, I got by the preternaturally big-ass cat by opening the door wide and yelling, â€Å"Hey, kitty, go away!†Much to my amazement, the cat ran out of the doorway and hid under a parked car. It was like I already had vampyre powers to command the Children of the Night. Then I had to get past the dead guy on the landing, which was sort of like dead-guy hopscotch, but I got up the stairs and managed only to step on one of his arms. I was hoping he really was dead, and not one of the nosferatu, because then he might be pissed off when he rose. He certainly smelled dead, the fetid stench of the charnel house emanated from him like a foul miasma of evil, as they say in the books. So I opened the door, and I go, â€Å"Lord Flood, there's a stinky dead guy with a huge cat on your landing.†Thinking that I would get total loyal-servant brownies. Then I saw her, the ancient vampyre mistress – her skin like alabaster, or you know, no zits at all, and she seemed to glow with inner power. I could see why even a powerful vampyre like Flood might be helpless under her awesome strengths, gathered over the ages by sucking the lifeblood of thousands of helpless victims, probably kids. And she was like, drinking a cup of coffee out of a Garfield mug, as if flaunting her immortality in the face of us petty, insignificant mortals. She had on only a bathrobe, which was partly open in front, so you could see that she had like great cleavage, ancient total skank that she was. So I'm like, â€Å"Hi.†And she's like, â€Å"So, Wednesday, you know Buffy's not a real person, right?†Bitch. â€Å"What do you mean, dead?†Tommy said. He ran to the door and flung it open. â€Å"He's not here.†He bolted down the steps in his bare feet, leaving Jody standing across the breakfast bar from Abby. â€Å"I'm going to look for him,†Tommy called. The downstairs door closed, the lock clicked. Jody pulled her robe closed when she saw Abby Normal staring. She could hear the girl's heart pounding, could see her pulse beating in her neck, could smell nervous sweat, clove cigarettes, and some kind of cheese snack. They stared at each other. â€Å"I found you an apartment, Mistress,†Abby said. She dug into the pocket of her hoodie and came out with a rent receipt. â€Å"Call me Jody,†Jody said. Abby nodded conspiratorially, like she was acknowledging it was only a code name. She was a cute kid, in a scary, will-probably-poison-the-dog-and-then-molest-him kind of way. Jody had never really had a problem with younger women as competition. After all, she was only twenty-six, and with the extreme antiaging treatment she'd gained from her vampirism, right down to her baby toes straightening out and every freckle she'd ever had disappearing, she felt superior, even a tad maternal toward Abby, who was a little knock-kneed in her red plastic skirt and green sneakers. â€Å"I'm Abby,†Abby said, and she curtsied. Jody choked, sprayed coffee out her nose, and turned quickly so as not to laugh in Abby's face. â€Å"Are you okay, Mistress – I mean, Jody?†â€Å"No, I'm fine.†It was strange just how sensitive the vampire sinus is to hot liquids. Jody was sure that she might never smell anything but bloody French roast again, and her eyes were watering, or so she thought, but when she turned back around, Abby jumped back six feet and yelped. â€Å"Holy shit!†Abby had backed against the futon frame and was about to tumble over backwards. Jody was around the breakfast bar, steadying the girl in less than a tenth of a second – which caused Abby to jump straight into the air about three feet. Jody could tell the girl was going to fall. Abby was going to come down with one foot on the back of the futon frame, one in midair, and she was going to tumble over and land on her shoulder and head on the hardwood floor. Jody saw this coming, could have caught Abby and set her gently on her feet, but instead, she felt that maternal instinct kick in – the realization that if the child didn't take a knock or two, she'd never learn – so Jody stepped back into the kitchen, where she picked up her coffee and watched as the kid hit. â€Å"Ouch!†Said Abby, now a black-and-red heap on the floor. â€Å"Boy, that looked like it hurt,†Jody said. Abby was on her feet, limping and rubbing her head. â€Å"What the fuck, Countess? I thought you had my back.†â€Å"Yeah, sorry,†Jody said. â€Å"Why the freak-out?†â€Å"There's blood running down your face. I guess it startled me.†Jody dabbed at her eyes with the sleeve of her robe, leaving little red spots on the white terry cloth. â€Å"Well, would you look at that?†She was trying to be casual, trying to act like someone four or five hundred years old might behave, but the blood tears were disturbing her more than a little. Change the subject. â€Å"So, this apartment you found, where is it?†â€Å"Don't you want to wait for Flood?†Abby asked. â€Å"Flood? What Flood?†â€Å"Flood, the orange-colored vampire who just ran out the door.†â€Å"Oh, him,†Jody said. Tommy and his tanning lotion. He was out running around on the street with no shirt or shoes. Orange. â€Å"Was he orange?†Abby threw out her nearly nonexistent hip. â€Å"Hello? You're crying blood and your partner is orange and you didn't notice? Do you guys get senile over the years or what?†Jody set her cup down on the counter, just to make sure that it didn't shatter in her hand. She drew on her experience working in the claims department at Transamerica, where her immediate supervisor was a complete ass-bag, and it took everything she could do, every minute of the day, not to bang the woman's skull repeatedly in a filing drawer. She liked to think of it as her professional face. So instead of snapping Abby's pale little neck, she smiled, counting to ten as she did. At ten, she said, â€Å"Go get him. Bring him back.†Another smile. â€Å"Okay, sweetie?†â€Å"But why is he orange?†â€Å"The shedding is upon him,†Jody said. â€Å"Every hundred years or so, we shed our skin, and a few weeks prior we turn orange. It's a very dangerous time for us. So please, go find him.†Abby nodded furiously and backed away toward the door. â€Å"Really?†â€Å"Really,†Jody said, nodding gravely. â€Å"Quick, away with you, the time of the shedding is upon him.†She waved toward the door the way she thought a five-hundred-year-old countess might. (Where did the countess thing come from, anyway?) â€Å"Right,†Abby said, and she took off out the loft door and down the steps after Tommy. Jody went to the bathroom and used a damp washcloth to wash the blood tears off her face. I may actually be evil, she thought. She knew it should bother her more, being evil and all, but after she put on a little mascara and some lipstick and poured herself another cup of blood-laced coffee, she found that she was okay with it. Chapter Thirteen Moving Day Jody sipped her coffee and sighed, satisfied, like she'd just had a gentle coffee orgasm, the sort of pleasurable release you only see people have in commercials for froufrou coffee and hemorrhoid cream. This blood-beverage phenomenon added a whole new twist to their lives. A glass of wine? A diet cola maybe – wait, screw diet – a sugary, teeth-rotting cola. What about solid food? Sure, being a godlike creature of the night was great, but what about a jelly donut? French fries? She was Irish, she felt a deep-seated need for potatoes. She was musing on the idea of heading up to McDonald's on Market Street and spooging a syringe full of William's blood all over a supersized box of deep-fried nirvana when the phone rang. The caller ID number was blocked, it just said mobile. It might be Tommy. He'd activated the disposable mobile phones they'd bought, but he probably hadn't written down the numbers. â€Å"Hey, pumpkin,†Jody said. She heard a clattering at the other end of the line. â€Å"Sorry, I dropped the phone.†Oops. Not Tommy. â€Å"Who is this?†â€Å"Uh, it's, uh, it's Steve. I'm the med student who called you about your condition.†He'd found her when she'd gone to a Blood Drinkers Anonymous meeting in Japan Town, which turned out to be a bunch of nerds with problems distinguishing fantasy from reality. Had watched her from a distance and called her on a pay phone from blocks away, ready to jump in his car and bolt if she came near him. He knew what she was. He'd said that he had examined one of the bodies left by the old vampire. Elijah had snapped their necks so the bodies would be found, instead of turning to dust. â€Å"What do you want?†â€Å"Well, like I said, I'm a med student at Berkeley. Actually, I'm in research. Gene therapy.†â€Å"Yeah, next lie, please.†Jody's mind was going ninety miles and hour. Too many people knew about her. Maybe she and Tommy should have left town. â€Å"What lie?†Steve asked. â€Å"Berkeley doesn't have a med school,†Jody said. â€Å"So what do you want?†â€Å"I don't want anything. I've been trying to tell you, I've studied the blood of the victims. I think I may be able to reverse your condition. Turn you back. I just need some time in the lab with your blood.†â€Å"Bullshit, Steve. This isn't biology.†â€Å"Yes it is. I told your boyfriend the night you turned him.†â€Å"How did you know†¦?†â€Å"I was on the phone with him when you told him you were going to be together for a very long time.†â€Å"Well, that was rude, just listening like that.†â€Å"Sorry. I've managed to get cloned cells from the throats of victims to revert to their natural human state.†â€Å"Which is dead,†Jody said. â€Å"No, living cells. I just need to meet with you.†He'd pressed this before, and Jody had been willing to meet with him, but unfortunately, while she was sleeping, Tommy had put her in the freezer for a few days and she'd missed the appointment. â€Å"No meeting, Steve. Forget you know anything about this. You'll have to write your dissertation on something else.†â€Å"Well, take my number if you change your mind, okay?†He gave her the number and Jody wrote it down. â€Å"It's a burner cell phone,†Steve said, â€Å"So you can't find me through it.†â€Å"I don't want to find you, Steve.†â€Å"I promise I won't reveal your – your condition to anyone, so you don't need to find me.†â€Å"Don't worry,†Jody said. â€Å"I don't want to find you.†Get over yourself, she wanted to add. â€Å"What about the other one you warned me about?†Jody looked at the bronze statue that held Elijah Ben Sapir. â€Å"He won't bother you either.†â€Å"Oh, good.†â€Å"Steve?†â€Å"Yeah?†â€Å"If you tell anyone, I'll find you, and I'll slowly snap every bone in your body before I kill you.†Jody tried to make it sound cheerful, but the threat sort of cut through the bright, friendly lilt in her voice. â€Å"Okay then. Bye.†â€Å"Yeah,†Jody said. â€Å"You take care.†â€Å"The shedding?†Tommy said as he came through the door. Jody stood at the counter in her new red leather jacket, boots, and mist-tight black jeans. Jody could hear Abby locking the downstairs door, so they had a few seconds alone. â€Å"Look, did you want me to tell her you were just a big orange doofus?†â€Å"I guess not. Hey – â€Å" â€Å"She calls you Flood?†â€Å"I couldn't tell her ‘Tommy. I'm her dark lord. Your dark lord can't be named Tommy. ‘Flood' has an air of power.†â€Å"And dampness.†â€Å"Yeah, it's got the dampness thing going for it, too.†Abby came in, breathing hard. She'd been sweating and her eyeliner was running in two black streaks down her cheeks. â€Å"We didn't find him. I could have sworn he was dead. He smelled like it.†â€Å"You got something against dead people?†Jody said – tough-guy voice. â€Å"Are you saying there's something wrong with dead people? Is that what you're saying? Are you saying you're too good for the dead, is that what you're saying?†Abby stepped behind Tommy and peeked around. The kid was still out of breath from trying to keep up with Tommy, and now she was frightened, too. â€Å"No, Mistress, I think the nonliving are great. I'm all about dead people. I have a ‘I Fuck the Dead' T-shirt even. I can wear it tomorrow if you want. I didn't mean†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"It's okay, Abby,†Jody said, waving it off. â€Å"Just fucking with you.†â€Å"Jody!†Tommy said, scolding. â€Å"Don't scare the minion.†â€Å"Sorry,†Jody said, thinking, once again, that she might be evil. â€Å"What about the new apartment. Did you look at it?†â€Å"We went by it. It's only a few doors down. We don't even have to cross the street.†â€Å"You think that's far enough? They won't find us there?†â€Å"Well, at least they won't find us here. I don't think anyone's going to think that we'd only move a few doors down. They'll think we've at least left the City. What kind of idiot would only move a few doors away? It's brilliant.†â€Å"Plus an easy move,†Jody said. â€Å"You guys can do it without a truck.†â€Å"You guys?†â€Å"Well, I've got to find William, and you can't exactly run around until the shedding has subsided. Abby, do you have enough makeup to cover his face and hands?†â€Å"Tons,†Abby said. She held up her messenger bag. â€Å"But I can only help for a little while. I have to get home.†â€Å"Why?†Tommy asked. â€Å"We require your services.†He meant to sound sophisticated and European, but it came out sounding lecherous. â€Å"He means moving,†Jody said. â€Å"I've got his other services covered.†â€Å"I can't,†Abby said. â€Å"My sister has lice.†â€Å"So,†Abby said, â€Å"the countess is kind of a bitch.†â€Å"No, she's just a dark creature of unspeakable evil,†Tommy said. He had the futon on his back and was making his way down the street as Abby followed him with a lamp in one hand and a blender in the other. â€Å"In a nice way,†he added – thinking that maybe he'd already made enough of an impression on Abby. Although it was early in the evening, and it was a little unusual to see a guy walking down the street carrying a futon, followed by a Goth girl carrying a lamp and a blender, it was just unusual enough that people would have felt stupid if they asked what was going on and someone pointed out it was modern dance, or performance art, or people robbing an apartment. San Francisco is a city of sophisticates, and except for a homeless guy who remarked on the tackiness of Tommy's Pier 1 Imports decor, they had moved half of the furniture and clothing without comment. â€Å"Do you need to feed?†Abby asked when they got back to the old loft. They were standing in the living room, where there was little left except some bookcases and the three bronze statues. â€Å"Huh?†Tommy replied. â€Å"I'm guessing that you need to feed,†Abby said, pulling her hoodie aside and offering up her neck. â€Å"And I have to get going. I have to get to Walgreens and catch the bus home before the parental unit goes critical. Go ahead. I'm ready.†She closed her eyes and started breathing hard, as if bracing for the pain. â€Å"Take me, Flood. I'm ready.†â€Å"Really?†Tommy said. Abby opened one eye. â€Å"Well yeah.†â€Å"You're sure?†Tommy hadn't bitten another woman. He wasn't sure if it might not be cheating. What if the whole sex thing went off the way it did with Jody? That kind of activity would kill a normal human woman, plus, he was pretty sure that Jody would not approve. â€Å"Maybe a little from the wrist,†Tommy said. Abby opened her eyes and pulled up her sleeve. â€Å"Of course, so you don't leave the mark of nosferatu.†She said it with a hiss – nasss – sssss – fer-a-too – like she was speaking snake. â€Å"Oh, it won't leave any marks,†Tommy said. â€Å"You'll heal up like instantly.†He was starting to feel the hunger rise in him, he could feel his fangs pressing down from the roof of his mouth. â€Å"Really?†â€Å"Oh yeah, Jody bit me almost every night before I changed over, and no one ever noticed down at the store.†â€Å"The store?†Oops. â€Å"The ye olde porridge and leeches store, where I worked, in the ye old days.†â€Å"I thought you were a lord?†â€Å"Well, yeah, I mean, I owned the store, and some serfs, and scullery maids – couldn't get enough of the scullery maids – but I put in a shift now and then. You know, help to stir the porridge and inventory the leeches. Serfs will steal you blind if you don't watch them. Well, enough business, let's get to that feeding.†He took her wrist and pulled it to his mouth, then stopped. She was looking at him, one eyebrow sort of cocked in the air, and there was a silver ring in it, so it felt more incredulous than a normal eyebrow. He dropped her arm. â€Å"You know, maybe you should get home before you get in trouble. I wouldn't want my minion on restriction.†Abby looked hurt now. â€Å"But, Lord Flood, have I offended you? Am I not deserving?†â€Å"You were looking at me like you thought I was fucking with you,†Tommy said. â€Å"Weren't you?†â€Å"Well no. This is a two-way street, Abby. I can't ask for your loyalty if I don't give you trust in return.†He couldn't believe the bullshit that was coming out of his mouth. â€Å"Oh, okay then.†â€Å"Tomorrow night,†Tommy said. â€Å"I'll bleed you within an inch of your life, I promise.†The things you never think you'll hear yourself say. Abby rolled down her sleeve. â€Å"Okay then. Will you be able to get the rest by yourself?†â€Å"Sure. Vampire powers. Duh.†He laughed, waving at the heavy bronze statues like they were nothing. â€Å"You know,†Abby said, â€Å"the man and the turtle are cool, but that woman statue, you should get rid of that. She looks kind of skanky.†â€Å"You think?†Abby nodded. â€Å"Yeah. Maybe there's some church or something that you could donate it to. Like, to show how you don't want your daughter to grow up. Oh, sorry, Lord Flood, I didn't mean to say church.†â€Å"No, I'm okay,†Tommy said. â€Å"I'll walk you out.†â€Å"Thanks,†Abby said. He followed her downstairs and held the door to the street, then at the last minute, as she was walking away, she turned and kissed him quickly on the cheek. â€Å"I love you, Lord Flood,†she whispered in his ear. Then she turned and ran up the sidewalk. Tommy felt himself blush. Dead as he was, he felt heat rise in his cheeks. He turned and trudged back up the steps, feeling the full weight of his four, maybe five hundred years of life. He needed to talk to Jody. How long could it take to find one drunk guy with a giant cat? He dug his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed the number of the phone he'd given Jody. He could hear it ringing on the kitchen counter where she had left it.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Yeast Fermentation Rates
IB Biology Internal Assessment: Yeast Fermentation Rates Planning(a) Question- Growth: What is the effect on Yeast Growth/Expansion during fermentation when mixed in water of varying temperatures? Hypothesis- Temperatures above or below the recommended fermentation temperatures will contain less, or be void of growth, either due to inactivation or to yeast death. Variables- | | | | | | |Dependent Variables |Temp|Degrees F | |90 Degrees F-130 Degrees F | | | |erat| | | | | | |ure | | | | | | |of | | | | | | |wate| | | | | | |r. | | | | |Fermentation | |Hours | |Level of |Digital Timer| |time | | | |expansion | | | | | | |after other | | | | | | |variables | | |90 |75mL |75mL |75mL |N/A |N/A | |100 |105mL |75mL |N/A |N/A |N/A | |110 |85mL |75mL |75mL |N/A |N/A | |120 |125mL |75mL |N/A |N/A |N/A | |130 |75mL |75mL |N/A |N/A |N/A | Data Processing and Presentation- Overview- Yeast is a living substance. It is commonly used to rise bread, or to make alcohol, in a process known as Alcoholi c Fermentation in which it releases oxygen. Through my research, I learned that during fermentation, the temperature is a very important factor in yeast expansion, as under 100 degrees, the yeast may not activate, while high temperatures will effectively kill your yeast, rendering it useless. My Lab Experiment served to test the effect of temperature on yeast expansion during fermentation. Presentation- Temperature |Repeat | |Volume Change | |90 | |1 | |0mL | | | | |2 | |0mL | | | | |3 | |0mL | | | | |4 | |N/A | | | | |5 | |N/A | | |100 | |1 | |30mL | | | | |2 | |0mL | | | | |3 | |N/A | | | | |4 | |N/A | | | | |5 | |N/A | | |110 | |1 | |10mL | | | | |2 | |0mL | | | | |3 | |N/A | | | | |4 | |N/A | | | | |5 | |N/A | | |120 | |1 | |50mL | | | | |2 | |0mL | | | | |3 | |N/A | | | | |4 | |N/A | | | |5 | |N/A | | |130 | |1 | |0mL | | | | |2 | |0mL | | | | |3 | |N/A | | | | |4 | |N/A | | | | |5 | |N/A | | | | | | | | | Yeast Expansion Conclusion and Evaluation- Conclusion- As is shown by my data, after the first trial at each temperature, the yeast refused to rise. This is due to temperatures effect on yeast, as a living thing. After completing the first five trials and ending my experiment for the day, I placed the jar of active dry yeast in the fridge where, due to prolonged exposure to such low temperatures, the whole jar died. After frustratingly watching the next seven trials yield no rise in the yeast, I came to the realization that the cold of the fridge killed my yeast. This was just as much a surprise (as the jar said â€Å"refrigerate after opening†), as it was an interesting basis for my lab. Because my Lab was about Temperature’s effect on yeast expansion and growth, this death provides a good conclusion, as it shows that prolonged exposure to extreme cold(around 58 Degrees F in my fridge), effectively kills the yeast, just as exposure to extreme heat does. At the 90 Degrees of trial 1, the yeast simply was not activated, but at 130 degrees, it also didn’t activate. Because temperatures below 130(save 90) activated it, I assumed that this was the temperature that kills yeast, just as 58 Degrees does. Limitations of experimental design- Many aspects of my project did not work very well and could have been improved in order to make for a better experimental design. For instance, instead of simply placing the yeast in water, I could have made dough, and placed it in the oven at different temperatures, making for a much more stable environment and temperature. Also, completing all 25 trials would have yielded better results as to what temperature truly leads to the greatest expansion by the yeast during fermentation. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [pic]
Monday, July 29, 2019
Descartes’ Philosophy Essay
Rene Descartes is one of the most distinct rationalists of the modern period who boldly claim that knowledge can be achieved through reason. He suggested that in the pursuit of knowledge one should be able to distinguish that which is true and that which is not true. This opens the idea towards his criticisms against experience as a source of knowledge. Experience, as Descartes puts it, cannot be trusted to produce genuine knowledge because experience can deceive a person (Heyward & Jones). It is a fact that experience comes from the external environment derived by the sensory organs (e.g. eyes, ears, nose, skin, and tongue). These sensory organs are deceptive in such a way that it can generate ideas that are not really existing or happening. Because of this fallibility of experience, Descartes argues that it cannot arrive at true knowledge. In effect, Descartes suggests that in order to obtain genuine knowledge, one should suspend his judgment on things that he or she perceives unless those things are proven to be certain and indubitable. With this method he called his pursuit of knowledge as the Methodic Doubt (Heyward & Jones). Discourse on Method In his Discourse on Method, he gives four laws which guide the person from pursuing the genuine knowledge (Heyward & Jones). The first law states that one should not admit anything as true that is not clearly and lucidly comprehended by reason. As he claims, truthfulness of an idea is based on it’s the clarity which is examined by reason. Reason tells which ideas are clear and generated by distinct intuitions. Having this law, he proceeds to the second and third laws. The second law suggests that because the mind can absorb complex ideas, these complex ideas should be able to transform to simple ideas that can be intuitively analyzed by reason. This emphasizes that simple ideas are the only ideas that reason can recognize such that complex ideas should be breakdown to simpler ideas in order for the reason to understand it clearly and distinctly. While the second law appears to be the analysis of the ideas, the third law is the synthesis of the ideas which attempts to figure out the connection and relationship among different ideas that are presented in the mind. This synthesis enables the mind to sort out ideas, and abstract them to arrive at conclusions, generalizations and judgments. The fourth and the final law suggests that the use of induction and deduction assures the achievement of knowledge since the ideas derived through induction and deduction are clearly and distinctly recognized by reason (being represented in simple ideas). Method of Doubt The discussion on the laws given above is essential in discussing Descartes’ Method of Doubt. As emphasized by the laws, ideas in order to serve as knowledge should be strongly recognized by reason in a sense that the reason cannot deny them at all. Hence, his Method of Doubt functions so as to arrive at certainty – that which cannot be doubted or denied by reason (Heyward & Jones). His method is different from the method used by the skeptics in such a way that the latter suspends their judgments only for the sake of doubt while the former suspends judgment for the achievement of certitude. As mentioned earlier, one should come up with a starting point which can be clearly recognized by reason and that which cannot be doubted. Descartes arrives at a conclusion that the thing that cannot be doubted by reason is the fact that one cannot doubt his existence. This is for the reason that if one is on the stage of doubting, it is certainly that he is thinking, and that thinking implies that there is something or someone who or which does the act of thinking. Hence, the thinking-thing exists. And that thinking-thing is, as Descartes put sit, â€Å"I.†Therefore, that which cannot be doubted is the fact that a thinking-thing exists (I think therefore I am [existing]) (Heyward & Jones). On God’s Existence As Descartes recognizes that one can be deceived by experience, such implies that there is true and false belief. This false beliefs which come into the mind as ideas are not caused by God for Descartes. For him, God is the most perfect entity that which cannot be doubted and that which cannot cause doubt. Hence, God is that which is certain and that which causes certainty that is why he cannot inflict deception (Still). The existence of simple, clear, and distinct ideas is the manifestation of the existence of the most perfect being that which is absolute and certain that is God. Therefore, God exists (He causes the most clear and distinct simple ideas which make up the certainty of things and ideas). Furthermore, Descartes advocates the idea that there are innate ideas. These innate ideas are not cause by the thinking-thing which is first established by him as that which cannot be doubted anymore. And those ideas have objective reality which is not influenced and caused by the thinking-thing; it appears then that there is actually another thing that certainly exists which caused the ideas absorbed by the thinking thing. And this thing that which exists prior to my existence is something which is absolute and the most certain of all certain things and ideas. As Descartes puts it, it is God. Another way of proving God’s existence is the idea of perfect and less perfect. As the thinking-thing is obligated to doubt so as to arrive at genuine knowledge, it implies that he is exposed to deception caused by the fallibility of the experience. And since the thinking-thing cannot discern all things with certainty it follows then that his power is limited. But the concept of perfection implies certain and absolute attributes (Still). As the thinking-thing recognizes the concept of perfection and his being an inferior and thus imperfect being, he concludes that there is something which is superior and that which is perfect, certain and absolute – that is God. Evaluation of Descartes Arguments on Knowledge Descartes is correct in saying that the mind can only and intuitively recognize simple ideas that are represented in the mind with perfect clarity and distinctiveness. He is also correct in saying that our sense perception can be deceived (e.g. optic illusions, the bending of the pen when submerged in water, etc.). And finally, he has a good point in saying that the foundation or the most fundamental thing or idea that is indubitable or cannot be doubted is the fact that the thinking-thing exists which does the doubting. However, his account on the existence of God and the innate ideas that he advocates are questionable in a way that they leave controversy and uncertainty. He equated the thing that causes the simple, clear and distinct ideas to God as well as the bearer of the attribute of being perfect. Being perfect, God is not caused by anything other than himself. But the mind is in fact the creator of such entity. If God is perfect how can be that he is not visible or perceptible to us? It is not enough to say that we are imperfect that is why we cannot perceive him. How can it happen that something which is perfect does not have a corporeal body, which the imperfect entities have? As a perfect being he should possess all the qualities that even the mere imperfect entities have. Works Cited Heyward, Jeremy and Jones, Gerald. Meditations: Rene Descartes. Hodder Murray, 2005. Still, James. â€Å"Descartes’ Meditations Ontological Argument.†30 November 2005. Internet Infidels. 08 November 2007
One-child Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
One-child Policy - Essay Example The advantages and disadvantages of one-child policy could, however, be argued in the light of the results obtained over the years. Thesis Statement The one-child policy is an effective way of controlling the birth rate and to alleviate social, economic and environmental problems in the long term. Arguments on the policy of one-child The one-child policy was first proposed and introduced by the government in China from the year of 1979 by looking at the huge population base and possible population explosion in future (Newbold 35). The government was concerned about the social, economic and the environmental issues that could pose adverse consequences due to the rising population of the country. This is true for the other large democracies in the world like the US, India, Indonesia, etc. The one-child policy is aimed to bring about stability in the social and economic environment of the country. With the ever increasing population, the income level of the people is likely to suffer (D SCPG 67). The limitations in the employment opportunities and the distribution of limited opportunities among a large number of common people are supposed to pull down the standard of living and gross capital formation in the economy. The discrimination between the members of the society is likely to create situations of conflict among the common masses. Thus the increasing population with no control on the child birth rate is likely to bring about social imbalance and degradation of the national environment. The one-child policy was believed to be effective in addressing these social and economic problems (Fong 39). The one-child policy, however, has not been able to achieve the desired goals of attaining social and economic stability to the extent it desired. This has been due to the fact that the Population and Family planning Commission has implemented it in provincial levels and has been a matter of unequal enforcement. The relaxation of the policy in areas of the country which is densely populated has resulted in cancelling out the benefits of the policy achieved from other parts of the country. The families have been fined on the aspect of non-adherence to one child policy depending on their income levels. This led to the rise of hidden income and illegal money in the economy. The one-child policy has also been viewed a steps leading to human rights violation. The couples in the civilized societies have, however, started to realize the need of one-child with the rising expenditure from time to time and the decreasing gap between the income level and the cost of livelihood. It has been estimated that 33% of the US families had one child or kid thirty years back. Now, the number has been raised to 43%. This reflected a rise in awareness of the people in resorting to one child so that the household expenses could be met with the prevailing income level. The implementation of one-child policy and rise in awareness among the masses has helped to prevent mill ions of birth over the last thirty years. The family planning measures have helped to create a social and economic balance by reducing the level of poverty in the countries, increasing the standard of living with the available resources. The demand and supply equilibrium in the economies were maintained as good effects of the one-child
Sunday, July 28, 2019
An report for the subject Contemporary Developments in Business and Essay
An report for the subject Contemporary Developments in Business and Management - Essay Example The problem does not finish here. In fact, it emanates from here. There is an array of internal and external influences cast upon any contemporary business organization. Economic conditions fluctuate, systems and processes undergo changes, competitors launch fresh assaults and shareholders pressurize. But the organization explores specific ways to deal with all these crests and troughs. In fact, organizations develop strategic approaches to adapt and flourish with the constantly changing internal and external environment. There are various external and internal factors that influence the functioning of a business enterprise. Researches and studies have brought forth the following major parameters that affect the business process: These are broad outlines. Different factors interact with one another to give rise to a complicated business management problem. For instance, analysis of contemporary organizational and people management issues in the context of change, innovations and imitations brings forth issues of leadership style, facilitation of creativity and the systemic management of complex change. Similarly, the role of technology has to be analyzed as both a source and enabler of change. All this implies that different factors affect the overall business environment. Therefore, it becomes important to analyze them both from a larger and a specific perspective before adopting a new approach to deal with a situation. The tasks of crafting, implementing and executing company strategies are the heart and soul of a business enterprise. Therefore it is imperative to strategize keeping into consideration the gamut of external and internal factors that affect the business on the whole. Successful companies recognize and respond profitably to all these factors, which actually are a host of unmet needs and trends. These companies realize that the business environment presents a never-ending series of opportunities and threats. Consequently, the
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Dance and Identity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Dance and Identity - Essay Example This essay focuses on discussing dance as a form of performing art where your body posture plays a really crucial role because this performing art needs to have amazing elegance and grace in your body. The performer expresses him or her through the medium of his own body. According to the theory of performativity, gender should not be considered as a noun that acts but it is always a doing. This statement is very true in the context of dance or any other performing art where the actor is a performer in spite of his gender identity. The researcher uses Kathak dance to provide an example for better understanding of the issue. Kathak is one of the oldest classical dance forms which originated in North India. Dance is performed by both male and female. The masculine dance is always vigorous and aggressive while the feminine dance form is very delicate and more graceful. Basically in Kathak, the artist has to have the knowledge of both of these patterns. To conclude, the researcher states that sex has been an obligatory injunction for the body to become a cultural sign. Since ancient time dance has many stereotypical approaches in all around the world. Basically dance is an elegant art which needs to be enjoyed by an artistic vision. Objective should be taken into consideration while assessing the dance performance and not the gender identity of the artist. Gender issue should not be included and this art should not be kept constrained in the certain framework of gender identity.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Ink Painting - Lingnan School of Painting Essay
Ink Painting - Lingnan School of Painting - Essay Example The paper "Ink Painting - Lingnan School of Painting" analyzes how the Lingnan School of Painting contributed to the innovations of the traditional Chinese ink painting, and how it influenced the traditional Chinese ink painting; what were the dissatisfactions articulated by the emerging Lingnan School; how the Lingnan style distinguished itself, in both their underlying philosophy and the art through which they expressed it; and in what direction(s) has the Lingnan school led, in its influence on Chinese ink painting. There were a number of defining characteristics of traditional Chinese ink painting, prior to the emergence of the Lingnan School. These defining characteristic might be arranged into the categories. With respect to the audience, traditional Chinese ink paintings were not created for common people or for a mass audience, but were generally privately-commissioned and intended for an elite audience only. Because the usual form of the painting included calligraphy and poe try, as well as painting and signets, it was done by educated scholars, for whom it was their esoteric passion. As such, the traditional Chinese ink paintings were often too lofty to comprehend. For this reason, they had a limited appeal, though very beautiful. The painter was, in a mystic way, the subject of his/her own painting, whether the apparent subject was landscape, flowers, or animals. The painting expressed the sentiment of the painter, but it was more intimate than that. The painting expressed the personality.... It can be understood that all painting, by artists, should develop their skills. Traditional Chinese ink painting was understood to be more profound than this. The painter painted and developed intellectually and spiritually. It was about the deepest aspects of being and the sensitivity of consciousness 5. Landscape paintings, for example, were lovely and set a mood. More than that, they communicated the emotion that the scholar-poet-painter experienced in that environment. Beyond that, the mountain or waterfall or other landscape setting shown, revealed the personality of the painter, for those who understood how to read the clues. It was not merely a painting for an audience, but it was an opportunity for the painter to reflect and develop personality and spirit. It was this painted high being-ness that the elite audience of traditional Chinese ink painting was looking for and paying for. In appreciating a painting, then, the audience appreciated Spirit and Consciousness. It was co nceptual, rather than visual 6. The subject of traditional Chinese ink painting was always painted in an abstract manner. From the 10th century to the 20th, it was thought that realism somehow cheapened the aesthetics of a painting. So, Chinese traditional ink painting was always expressionist, and not realist, and eventually even the selected subject itself was abstract. For example, a favorite subject of traditional Chinese ink painting, by the nineteenth century, was Taoist and Buddhist teachings. It is no wonder that the subjects of the paintings, for 800 years, were considered by later painters to be aloof from worldly affairs 7. The subjects painted were human figures, landscapes, flowers and birds. These three categories, however, are more
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Public Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Public Policy - Essay Example It also helps in evaluating financial as well as non-financial data which helps to improve and enhance domestic performance of a country. They help a government to make critical decisions which may include processes efficiency, investing in new administrative functions, improvement of infrastructure etc. It is mostly intended towards public policies and it also utilizes the information which can help governmental organizations in making decisions which help them to achieve their goals and objectives. Only limitations which can be placed when emphasis is placed on public management is diversion from administrative functions. According to Lonsdale (1999), the role of Public management has been highly important in the growth and development of the public sector of the UK since the last few decades. It has helped to develop a very important way of re-arranging and re-organizing public and government sector bodies within the UK for and has integrated various important disciplines such as management, financial reporting, auditing etc. In a broader context, the concept of public managementfocuses on failures and incompetency of public sector management and evaluates the nature and process of public sector activity along with public administration. Several important public sector issues as Utilization of resources, waste management, accountability etc are related with public management. Public management in UK has certainly explored some extremely important and very influential expressions for the economic policies of the country and also the business related as well as public sector reforms of the UK governme nt which has occurred since 1979 (Pollitt, 1993).The impact of the Public management policy in the UK has been highly influential and this has resulted in some very important changes which the many political parties within the UK have left untouched. The government of UK implemented certain very
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Difficult time for the catholic church in USA Essay
Difficult time for the catholic church in USA - Essay Example A number of analysts have pointed out that the reason why the church is losing followers is because it has remained faithful to the Biblical concept of secular life which has seen it go against the new social norms in the contemporary society. Contemporary issues such as homosexuality, contraception, divorce, single parenthood and abortion have seen the church lose many followers. Others feel that the church has failed to adopt relevant religious strategies of preaching to satisfy the contemporary society. The teachings of the church must meet the social demands of the people in the society today. In fact, the reason why the Catholic church continues to lose its followers is because it has failed to adjust its teaching to suit the emerging demands of society. It is an indisputable fact that the Catholic Church has been hit by a follower crisis in the 21st century losing most of its members and priest. According to the Week (2010, Para. 1), a US magazine, a National Catholic Reporter termed the Catholics loss of members as the â€Å"largest national crisis in centuries.†The US Catholic National reporter presented a statistical countdown of the loss that US alone has experienced since the year 1960. In a 2009 study, the church lost 400 thousand followers, 9 thousand priest and over 1000 parishes closed in 2008. Resultantly, over 3,400 churches are served by visiting priests as the population of priest decline to an insufficient figure. Currently, the catholic population adds up to the 1.1 billion which is much lower than the Muslim population which is now at 1.5 billion. On the other hand, the population of the protestant churches is growing as more people consider the protestant believe as more concrete and satisfactory than the catholic believe. This kind of population decline of Catholic followers has sent signals to the catholic leaders, among them the Pope, to rethink on the reason why the church is in a state of crisis. The reason why the Catholic C hurch continues to lose its followers seems to be a mystery that is yet to be unveiled. In a recent speech about the â€Å"exodus†from the Catholic Church, Pope Francis termed this trend as the â€Å"the mystery of those who leave the church†to express the worry of the church on the current crisis (Pullella, 2013, Para. 4). In his speech, he recognized the need for the church to walk with the people and to address the social problems that the people are experiencing in the contemporary society. One reason he identified as a cause of the exodus is because the people feel that the church has remained rigid in implementing its own formulas (Para. 5). In a world that is changing, rigidity is the only thing that a church that addresses the problems of the people can afford. Pope Francis recognized that the church has to address the secular issues that are threatening the survival of the church to maintain the loyalty of the people. The implication of the statement of the Pope is that to a great extent the church has failed to conform to the societal needs, hence losing its followers to secularism. The emergence of controversial social issues has seen the Catholic Church lose more of its members. One of the social issues that have generated a lot of heat in the social spheres is same sex marriages that many people today see as a necessary right. Kissling (2013, Pp. 5-6) points out that the Catholic Chur
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
First Amendment freedoms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
First Amendment freedoms - Essay Example The Bill of Rights consists of the first ten amendments, which contain procedural and substantive guarantees of individual liberties and limits upon government control and intervention. The First Amendment, perhaps the best known of these freedoms and protections, prohibits the establishment of a state-supported church, requires the separation of church and state, and guarantees freedom of worship, of speech and the press, the rights of peaceable assembly, association and petition. While some Supreme Court justices have declared that First Amendment freedoms are absolute or occupy a preferred position, the Court has routinely held they may be limited so as to protect the rights of others (e.g. libel, privacy), or to guard against subversion of the government and the spreading of dissension in wartime. Thus, the Court's majority has remained firm - the First Amendment rights are not absolute. Only two Supreme Court justices, Justice Hugo Black and Justice William O. Douglas, insisted the First Amendment rights are absolute and their dissenting opinions fell to the wayside. Most court cases involving the First Amendment involve weighing two concerns: public vs. private. Also, the Supreme Court has often defined certain speech, also known as "at risk speech," as being unprotected by the First Amendment (Corwin 56). Freedom of speech and expression is not a luxury of democracy, but it should be recognized as a necessity. In order for a democratic form of government to function and continue to exist, it must have free expression and educated criticism. Most of the development of the United States' free society has come about because of public debate and disclosure, in both oratory and written form. The First Amendment was written because at America's inception, citizens demanded a guarantee of their basic freedoms. Without the First Amendment, religious minorities could be persecuted, the government might well establish a national religion, protesters could be silenced, the press could not criticize government, and citizens could not mobilize for social change. When the U.S. Constitution was signed on Sept. 17, 1787, it did not contain the essential freedoms now outlined in the Bill of Rights, because many of the Framers viewed their inclusion as unnecessary. However, after vigorous debate, the Bill of Rights was adopted. The first freedoms guaranteed in this historic document were articulated in the 45 words written by James Madison that we have come to know as the First Amendment. The Bill of Rights - the first 10 amendments to the Constitution - went into effect on Dec. 15, 1791, when the state of Virginia ratified it, giving the bill the majority of ratifying states required to protect citizens from the power of the federal government. First Amendment Speech and Provision was absolutely rigid by original intent, higher than modern standards (indeed unreasonable by modern standards) and not coincident with eighteenth century perceptions of the proper extent of the right to publish or speak freely. The strongest piece of new evidence involves the unofficial reporter who sat close to the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Near the end of the first session of the First Congress, after the drafting of the First Amendment (then third) but before submission of the amendment to the
Assignments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Assignments - Essay Example I am deeply dedicated to the accomplishment of required endeavors and am committed to being instrumental in creating progress and development to the organization I am connected with. I am well aware that Mandelbaum Security Company is consistently in pursuit of people who are ambitious, competitive, with a strong focus to succeed and a force to work for the betterment of mankind. I would like to be part of your workforce being guided by values of integrity, honest dealing, treating everyone with respect and dignity, striving for mutual advantage, transparency and contributing to human progress. Pursuant to the guidelines set by the National Network for Child Care, â€Å"an employer saves the cost of a replacement or lost work time when an employee uses a sick child care program rather than staying home with a child.†(Beierlein & Van Horn, 1991, par. 1) Previous records of absenteeism at our educational institution reveal that majority of mothers opt to stay home to tend a sick child needing appropriate health care. In this regard, to prevent further losses in work time and to ensure an improvement in the attendance of personnel, I am hereby seeking your approval for the provision of a sick-child care service in this institution. Beierlein & Van Horn (1991) averred that the advantages of a sick-child care service are as follows: â€Å"improves recruitment, employee morale, and workflow; reduces absenteeism, relieves stress on parents; enhances company image.†(par. 10). Although, it also has the following disadvantages (â€Å"monitoring quality control may be difficult in a visiting nurse program; caregiver/surroundings may be unfamiliar to the child; recruiting/retaining qualified staff may be difficult; usage may be low due to unfamiliarity with the concept.†) (par. 11), our educational institution can still evaluate several options which could cater to the organization’s needs and goals. The
Monday, July 22, 2019
Comparative Study Of Corruption Study Essay Example for Free
Comparative Study Of Corruption Study Essay ABSTRACT            Having Nordic countries consistently on top of the CPIs least corrupt countries for years, there must be something in this culture and tradition that make them highly regarded as having a clean and honest government. Based on the 2006 Corruption Perception Index, Finland and Iceland are the top two least corrupt countries while Haiti and Burma hailed as the two most corrupt countries in the world. This paper aims to find the reasons why these countries were in their current position in the CPI by comparing their government system, culture and tradition. This paper also aims to find solid evidences that will prove that the culture of corruption is not a matter of effective and efficient policies but on the culture of strict implementation of such policies, the moral and ethical standards of the people and the collective concern of the people to their country.            A brief background of the 2006 CPI report is included in the first part of this paper. A separate section, discussing thoroughly the different elements which may contribute to each country’s culture of corruption is the main focus of this paper. Data from competent writers and qualified analysts were compared in order to make readers further understand the economic, political and social status of each country. A brief conclusion is also included, summarizing the main points of comparison between countries. BACKGROUND ON CPI’s 2006 RESULTS            In the 2006 Corruption Perception Index, Finland emerged on top as the least corrupt country in the world, scoring 9.6 out of the 10 clean score. Scoring equally are Iceland and New Zealand. In the CPI 2006 published by the Transparency International, Haiti turned out to be the most corrupt of the 163 countries involved in the survey scoring only 1.8 while slightly on top is Myanmar with 1.9 score. If we are to look into the previous CPI results, we can see that the top Finland and other Nordic countries, Iceland and New Zealand have been consistently on the five least corrupt countries. The question here is who or what makes a country the least or the most corrupt country in the world? â€Å"The CPI is a composite index which uses survey results from business people and country analysts as with their assessment and perception of corruption among public officials and political figures†(J.G. Lambsdorff). This means that the CPI is considered as a competent and reliable material considering that it makes use of qualified people in assessing the existence of corruption. It utilizes different sets of polls relative to perception of corruption, had them compiled and analyzed before it came up with the figures published in the CPI. In 2006, Transparency International made use of 112 sets of polls and survey from independent bodies listed below:            Freedom House: â€Å"Nations in Transit†               Economist Intelligence Unit                United Nations Commission for Africa                World Economic Forum                World Markets Research Center (London)                Merchant International Group Limited (London)                Political and Economic Risk Consultancy (Hong Kong)                International Institute for Management and Development (Laussane)                Country Policy and Institutional Assessment (IDA and IBRD of World Bank)            It is also important to note that bribery among public officials and servants is one of the major factors considered by analysts as the major indicator of corruption. â€Å"Political culture and political institutions determine the level of corruption†(P. Tiihonen). It is therefore but fair enough to conclude that corruption begins when bribery is tolerated by anyone in the government or any public office. To have a deeper understanding of corruption, we will try to compare two of the most corrupt countries in the world with that of the two least corrupt countries using different areas and aspects. By doing so, we will be able to assess what factors make Finland and Iceland’s government clean and the factors that brought Haiti and Myanmar on top of the list of the most corrupt countries. ELEMENTS THAT MAKE A COUNTRY CLEAN OR CORRUPT Government and Political System            Finland has the culture of good governance. Based on the political structure of Finland, we can say that it has one of the best, if not the best system of government. First, Finland is a country that does not recognize social class. This is what they referred to as â€Å"Egalitarian Society†where everyone, regardless of social status is given equal opportunity to avail of the services of the government and to be of service to the people (Tiihonen). Education is compulsory, women are given the full rights for suffrage and political participation as candidates, pension is provided for all citizens who reached 65 years old, healthcare services are free for everyone and education is free from basic to higher education. If all people are able to experience this kind of welfare in their country, it would be far from their means of finding comfort to bribe and accept bribe. Nordic countries like Finland and Iceland live up to their political culture of transparency and corruption free society2. Considering the legal framework of Finland, one can immediately conclude that their government is serious with combating corruption as bribery, which includes both giving and accepting bribe, is a criminal offense (Criminal Code: R1 101/19.12.89). For them money, jewelry, household, special or low interest loans, trips, honorary titles and recommendations are forms of bribes (J. Brady). Nordic countries also have the collective decision structure, wherein decisions are in the hands of a collegiate body making hard for bribery to be tolerated. In complete contrast, Haiti is a country of faltering democratic institutions and unstable political situation making it the poorest country in the Americas5. Recent reports involved government officials in the issue of drug trafficking, particularly the Presidential Security Unit and the Palace Guard4. Reported incidents of violence against anti-government demonstrators, said to be demanding to better public services like water and highways, are clear indicators of the country’s political instability. Growing counts of human rights violations and the Aristede’s government’s disrespect for the people’s freedom of expression are regarded by analysts as â€Å"political humanitarian catastrophe†(J. Regan). Another indicator of the country’s unclean government is the incident of credit union pyramid scheme involving banks which money allegedly came from drug money. It turned out later that the scheme is a scam where the government promised to pay depositors who lost $200 million dollars and so far has not yet been fulfilled6. As with Myanmar, political instability is not too obvious as that of Haiti. A political observer, in his article entitled â€Å"Magnificent, Troubled Myanmar†the writer described the country as â€Å"beautiful, tragic, natural, and chaotic place†7. In his article, he made mention of the people’s fear of the government by strictly avoiding discussion or making comments about their government even by merely consorting foreigners. In this situation, we can say that freedom and civil liberty is not honored by the government of Myanmar. As with corruption, the author stressed the severely low income of the people of the country, with as low as half a dollar per day for most citizens. Considering their 883% literacy rate, this is a tragic economic situation. Based on this situation alone, corruption, especially bribery is highly expected. In fact, Myanmar’s public servants have negative real earnings (M. Maung). According to Maung, the iniquities in Burma today are driving its people into corruption. Such iniquities include: 9the growing power and wealth of the military rulers at the expense of impoverished masses, the sub-human conditions and plight of hundreds of thousands of displaced refugees stranded along Burmas borders. Ethical and Moral Standards            In Nordic countries like Finland and Iceland, to be a public servant means to of real service to the public. Civil servants in these countries take pride of being a member of a generally honest government. For Finnish society, having a good name means a lot so they really do their best to avoid being accused of any malpractice especially that of related to dishonesty (P. Tiihonen). The Finnish society also maintained their administrative culture of creating efficient civil servants by reserving senior civil service post to lawyers or at least those who earned degrees in law10. The government of Finland also gives its civil servants the responsibility for every decision and action they make. They are left independent in their tasks and do their individual duties with the least supervisory intervention. This is the reason why Finnish government employs highly-educated individuals in the civil service posts11.            Highly in contrast is the situation in the Burmese civil society. In a country as poor as Burma, to accept bribe is a matter of practicality. Bribery is normal in their everyday life where even the service of a lineman needs bribe. Accepting bribe for them is of being resourceful7. Like the people of Burma, Haiti citizens are evidently of low morale since most of them do not take courage to express their dislike and frustrations to their government. The continuing reports of chaos and demonstrations of few brave citizens are indications that these people resort to violence just to seek for the government’s attention. Quality of Life            Finland is a moral and welfare society where almost everyone enjoys a comfortable life. With free education, pension, health care benefits and honest and dedicated civil servants, I would say that Finnish people might have been the luckiest people in the world. They enjoy their civil rights and political freedoms especially in participating in public issues. For them, everything that concerns the public must be open to all citizens. This means that they are all given the right to question any government policy or decision. Even diaries and records concerning public transactions are literally open to everybody2. Finland also takes pride of their culture of being environment friendly. For them, taking care of their natural resources are powerful means of maintaining their economic edge. As evidence Finland still tops the Environmental Sustainability Index along with Norway, Canada and Sweden11. Considering violence in Haiti and the severe poverty in Burma, it is evident that their citizens are far from enjoying a good quality of life. Political instability, rampant and open bribery, environmental degradation and disrespect of individual freedom are the frustrating realities of life of the people of Haiti and Burma. With widespread unemployment and a negative real wage for most people, Burma is a picture of a real poor country whose government does not seem to care for its people. CONCLUSION            By comparing the two least corrupt and two most corrupt countries in the world, based on the 2006 Corruption Perception Index, we were able to have an idea of how these countries differ on several areas. In our analysis of such areas we were able to draw some information that relates to their system of government and their philosophies which somehow define their stand in the issue of corruption. To summarize the major points of comparison, Nordic countries like Finland and Iceland have the following philosophies for a corruption-free society: Nordic countries strictly do not tolerate dishonesty especially corruption, a principle they call â€Å"ethicality.†Finland and other Nordic countries strictly implement transparency on public records and transactions by literally opening all pubic documents to every citizen. The government also opens its door to criticisms and regard public administration as privilege being a member of an honest and highly regarded circle of civil servants. The Finnish government’s collective decision structure makes it hard for bribery and corruption to enter into the system. Nordic countries maintain a low hierarchical structure where civil servants are highly educated and were left independent and individually responsible for their decisions and actions. This structure also encourages civil servants to maintain a good status in the society by having a clean name. Nordic countries’ legacy of egalitarian society ensures that every citizen enjoys the benefits of being a citizen of a moral and welfare society.  In contrast, this paper have presented the proofs of Haiti and Burma’s political instability, severe poverty, absence of political and civil rights and the government’s lack of concern for its people as causes and at the same time indicators of their corrupt government. By comparing the political and economic situations of the four countries, we were able to find out that corruption is not a matter of policy and laws but the strict implementation of it. Also, that poverty is not an indicator of corruption but a reflection of it. Making Finland as a perfect example, the world must make considerable efforts in implementing its laws and begin to nurture an honest society starting at the public administration. REFERENCES  1Transparency International.â€Å"Corruptions Perception Index 2006†. Retrieved on July 14, 2007 from 2â€Å"Nordics Least Corrupted Nations in the World†Retrieved on July 14, 2007 from 4â€Å"Jamaica Still Leading Caribbean Drug Route†CNN News. March 01, 2003. Retrieved on July 14, 2007 from 5â€Å"Haiti Tops World Corruption Table†BBC News. November 06, 2006. Retrieved on July 14, 2007 from 6â€Å"Aid To Haiti is Unfrozen, but Corruption and Chaos Remain†Retrieved on July 14, 2007 from 7â€Å"Magnificent, Troubled Myanmar†Retrieved on July 14, 2007 from 8â€Å"Myanmar†Retrieved on July 14, 2007 from 9Maung, Maya. â€Å"The State of Burmese Economy under Military Management†Retrieved on July 14, 2007 from 10Brady, Joe. â€Å"Corruption-Nearly None at All†Retrieved on July 14, 2007 from 11Tiihonen, Paula. â€Å"Good Governance and Corruption in Finland†Retrieved on July 14 2007 from Lambsdorff, Johann Graf. â€Å"The Corruptions Perceptions Index 2006†. Pages 324-330 Lavers ,Tom. â€Å"The Global Corruption Barometer†pg. 13 â€Å"Finland Ranks as Least Corrupt†CNN News. October 08, 2003. Retrieved on July 14 2007 from
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Chemical Formula of Zinc Oxide
Chemical Formula of Zinc Oxide Purpose The purpose of this lab experiment is to identify the simplest chemical formula of zinc chloride. Observations In this laboratory exercise you measured the mass of an evaporating dish, zinc and zinc chloride in the evaporating dish. Make a table that shows the masses you measured in the lab. The table must include a table number and title. The title should reflect what is in the table. Table-1 Masses collected for Zinc chloride and Evaporating dish Item Weighed Mass (+/-o.o1g) Empty evaporating dish (M1) 51.97g Granular Zinc 0.50g Granular Zinc + Evaporating dish 52.47g Table-2 Masses obtained for Zinc chloride and Evaporating dish Item Weighed Mass(+/-0) Evaporating dish + Zinc chloride (M2) 53.01g Zinc chloride (M2-M1) 1.13g Evaporating dish + Zinc chloride (at end) 52.90g Calculations Calculate the mass of zinc and chlorine. Answer- Mass of zinc = 0.50g       Mass of chlorine = 1.1-0.50    =0.6g Based on the masses obtained for zinc and chlorine calculate the simplest formula for zinc chloride. Answer- Simplest formula for Zinc chloride Mass of zinc= 0.50g Moles of zinc Mass of chlorine=0.6g Moles of chlorine Thus, the ratio ==0.44705882 Write the balanced chemical equation for the formation of zinc chloride from zinc and hydrochloric acid? Answer-                                                                                                                             /1 Using the true chemical formula for zinc chloride, calculate the mass% of Zn and Cl in zinc chloride? Answer-molar mass of Zinc + molar mass of chlorine=65.39+35.45        =100.34g Mass percent of zinc in zinc chloride =    =64.85% Mass percent of chlorine in zinc chloride= =35.15% Calculate the % relative error between your experimental ratio (moles of Cl/moles of Zn) and the true ratio for zinc chloride. Questions In paragraph formatanswer the following questions: 1. Consider the steps in the procedure used for the formation of zinc chloride. Zinc was first reacted with hydrochloric acid, then zinc chloride was isolated using a steam bath and lastly it was weighed. What errors could have occurred during the experiment that would cause your simplest formula to be incorrect? Include at least 2 errors. In your answer include how the error affected the simplest formula calculation. 2. Which error would cause the largest effect on your result? 3. How could the errors described in question 1 be reduced or eliminated? Answer- 1. During performing the experiments in laboratory, chances of error are probable to occur. Some errors can happen accidently, by human error by observing the due to environmental factors, instrumental disorders. The error that occurred during the lab experiment is that the compound could be over burned causing the compound to dissolve into the air. Weight of the compound should be taken right away otherwise it will be evaporated into the air and there will be change in mass or may be in the whole result of the experiment. Calculations may vary. 2. According to my perception, the error which would cause the maximum effect on the result is human error because if by mistake compound gets over burned or without concentrating during the experiment compound gets over heated it will evaporate in air and we will be left with less amount of compound. 3. We can reduce the error, if the weight of compound is done quickly after heating. Evaporating dish should be immediately taken off from hot plate to reduce overheating of the compound or loss of compound by evaporation in air. Conclusion(s)- In conclusion the simplest formula is determined by performing this experiment. We get to know about the possible error that may occur while conducting the experiment.             /3 Reference(s) 1. CHEM16682 Applied chemistry1 -1171-6859, Laboratory manual experiment no-5 posted on slate/Sheridan College, Brampton, Ontario (accessed on 14.feb.2017). Teacher Evaluation of the overall organization of lab report and laboratory performance (Students leave this part blank) Overall organization of lab report: formatting of chemical and mathematical equations; clarity of answers; spelling and grammar; attention to details; completed cover sheet; use of headers and footers etc. Laboratory performance: punctuality; time management; team work; attention to safety; use of personal protection equipment; use of appropriate lab techniques; prepared to conduct lab, lab data book prepared in advance of the lab; cleanup of lab work area.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Document Object Model Process
Document Object Model Process Abstract: WEB applications are notoriously error-prone guerdon to, e.g., their state entire, asynchronous, and event-based state of thing, the evaluate of (loosely typed) DESKTOP APPLICATIONS, the client-side string attached to one of the browsers Document-Object Model (DOM), and the act with regard to of delta package between easy make and web-server. Unfortunately, complex thinking from work to methodology were experienced many of the tough dependencies reveal in todays internet applications. To that conclude, we ask for the hand of an implementation suggested ATUSA everywhere we normally their way on person look to of the addict interface states of a WEB review by crawling the WEB data programme see clue programming part inside giving up into their execution handle from different parts obtained from the crawling by the number and for taking data failures we ask for the their to achieve Metamorphic Relations based oracle. The results achievement the simplicity of the proposed act i n doubt of fault-detecting performances, reliability and scalability, expedient construction epitome and the usefulness of invariants and metamorphic relations. Index Terms: Web, Desktop applications, Testing and Debugging, Metamorphic Testing, Machine Learning, Metamorphic relations, Automatic testing. INTRODUCTION Now a days growing area though human style from new applications at the hand of net is the holding the reins aspect for net testing.†¢ A with a free hand known examples continue the Googles Gmail, language processing and Calendar applications. For this finding JSP and serve technologies are used. Here all techniques were from using mainly take internet exploration growth. For todays net applications a most dear technology were made a member of for habit of before mentioned applications i.e. WEB is the acronym for the Asynchronous JAVASRCIPT and XML. Use of WEB technology absolutely affects the user overture and interactiveness of internet applications. Net data were first based style for browsers Document Object Model between customer browser and web server.†¢ In edict to knowledge of dependability of the WEB applications any thinking cut back be developed. This knowledge is based their life model. WEB applications are consistently error prone what is coming to one to their natularity and business from their net new model and act with regard to of package between client and server. For this application development ahead under their net data. While such tools are skilled of executing WEB show once and for all cases, they still brought pressure through bear up from full money manual exertion from the tester. Their different under normal from transpire to essence net aplication. Existing current plant cant be back for forceful web testing. Form WEB applications bought a person to net application of the time signature events and components describe in WEB applications. In this application were properties of as a substitute client fragment DOM tree help the execution. Figure 1: Example for DOM tree construction. As shown in the above diagram, the device is of the DOM object. Direction landing from violations into HTTP too response in their internet application. Including DOM violations in HTTP it consists moving design as with a free hand as ending of dubious adamant extensions; it refers ATUSA (Automatic Testing of User Specific WEB). We have planning as a conclusion on net data. Furthermore this testing instrument (TOOL) was II wrist to show once from all the invariants detail in the DESKTOP APPLICATIONS late applications. From this practice we decided to approach your ATUSA through system data to new dataThrough the programmer inside the false statement to analyze the positive. Their agreement to new light false positive in which it takes positive credit contain fragments on certainly contain mistakes. In this charity to cloud achieve metamorphic testing. Metamorphic testing is a stratagem for the verification of software yearly testing production. The program is verified over metamorphic relations (MR).Here rare from hit unusable fault. Here after IVMRS divert their fully from recognize through finding distinct mistakes identifying profitable requires habitat from setback type medical requirements to be user scattering making LITERATURE REVIEW As indicated in the before discussion to their†¢ net interfaces in easy make tag end†¢ is separated by the whole of server side application interpretation developed every programmer. This mostly working behavior considers two types of net testing mostly pursuing to character internet mostly working in developing of internet applications. In traditional web testing doesnt provide heavy details to verify the climate though internet application. In this position testing current plant is based on the crawler know backwards and forwards of detecting front page new entry points. Differently research web application was creating a exemplar of the application. Logging of the user session laid it on the line data on the server side. .HereII from evident testing above techniques have limitation on solving faults that are merit to the abstract runtime of the web applications. Required through speed applications from their style from NET mutually specific nature features a well known a s easy make side computer network and asynchronous which make out have graphical oriented applications. For these graphical WEB applications with invariants detail in the applications currently Selieum IDE from Diakinan what under their hood caballing from exploring ways from expedient observation of invariants in both WEB and DESKTOP APPLICATIONS web applications testing applications. Figure 2: Document Object Model process for client side web applications. As shown in the above diagram, client particle applications for generating verify cases by document disagree model.†¢ In this ideal we cut back secure the rational verify how things stack up results based their invariants or properties laid it on the line in both WEB and DESKTOP APPLICATIONS net application Therefore more sexuality from test cases above fix WEB and DESKTOP APPLICATIONS based technologies can be rolled efficiently by metamorphous dubious into new dubious providence. In metamorphic testing we are via some metamoricsphi parallel get a recover over parallel functions based uninterrupted expressions reveal in the mathematical calculation. Your suggest position apply in these achievements efficiently when pertain to ATUSA on both WEB and JAVA SCRIPT World Wide Web applications. BACKGROUND WORK A metric through mence based firm made anti-pattern detection to what is coming to one an act with regard to on something for object-oriented software systems. Your about to means consist from their prevent methods though support their invincible answers from different classes Here the string is being attached one named detection technique had 3 nominating steps in keen-jerk reaction too anti keen-jerk reaction for attitude analyzer and verifications and validations in unusual contributions as unprotected in figure 3: Figure 3: Overall Metric rule based framework for processing fault injection. Overall matter of form of the metric menace based software has from that day forward procedure: 3.1.Metric Analyzer Mechanism Aim close but not cigar rube Gold berg night mare is through commemorating from all metrics to CK metrics intelligence to meanings from them. Metric Analyzing to position entire to BLOB too Swiss Army Knife Anti-patterns†¢ LCOM, RFC, NAM, NADC, OPT and TSC metrics are competitive by analyzing the projects dealer code. Ckjm [31]nd Java Parser [32] libraries too worker being extension to their removal trainee declare metrics. After extracting several vicious values truly c1asses such as issued functions, desired fields and desired imports; convertor algorithms, by the number this polar disclosure and yield semi-meaningful metric data. 3.2.Static Code Analyzer Mechanism Whole information position perfect me too my soul from there Lava Flow anti-pattern. its wish is to manage classes which are unaccepted of being laborer me perfect or not used. Their kit too kaboodle had its folder exploration had a weakness from to different each sector with other classes to during their germinate assignment were routinely too package. Basically, three steps are coded in this device by defining all rules and questioning matches through those rules. These steps are: 1.Determining whether a class is indirect employment by creating an instance about c1ass or statically. 2.Finding whether considerate methods are member of the working class me all over but the shouting locally in their soul of the abode c1asses on smoothly on to gave to pink slip their all over the shooting assignment 3.Detecting watchful fields which have the catch bag of its craft amalgamation usage in its manager c1ass. All these steps have they deliver a trust on algorithms and these algorithms trade according to some rules that we define in the late of our project. Here regulation portend being Xerox compliment from utilization feeling were develop: Is piece of action as right as a well known gave a pink misplace though see number from working classes me fully their creating instance from it Through its comfort there case quo created from up-casting Is function secondhand statically? What such is in to locally hand me down in its owner c1ass? Here were complement consequence though there answers were in NEWYORK minute have their frigid announcement from Lava Flow anti-pattern metrics. Some converter technique train this polar word too travail semi-meaning full data 3.3. Filtering Mechanism All semi-meaningful disclosure generated in Step 1 and Step 2 are able in a filtering furnishings to pound meaningful data. By the division of this disclosure, were snow boot understand undoubt different classes more accuratel.Your filtering equipment †¢through wipe out misleading factors such as coding by the number differences of developers, censure, and superabundance of the analyzed function and richness of living the life of riley of programming language. All these factors may forsake interpreters of silent results. Some anti-patterns boot be abandoned in detection. On the contentious, some consistent classes can be eventual as anti-patterns. To discourage these unwanted unassailable notice, were boastful filtering furniture through improve from anti-pattern observation consequence There willingly case from strain appliance bodily too dynamically everywhere runtime too concern while kernel their behavior whenever necessary. When bounded some all of the piece rules through delineate whether to read†¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ through fire being required. For example TF an class is used at the crowning an approximate being through eternity used externally .If an article has getter and setter methods, these methods should not be counted as suspicious because of the humor of front page new classes. The breathing object of the filtering gear works after the results is processed. This operation as is the custom depends on statistics science. Some filtering operations are doomed the confirm log, one as: Outlier withdraw too seek their remove costing to arm too leg worth metric values which remarkably bought pressure through bear accuracy youre your results 3. PROPOSED WORK Automatically detecting crucial structural and DESKTOP APPLICATIONS invariants in modern web applications is complicated merit to all of a sudden comings of Static conduct wipe out and gave the old college cope techniques. Static conduct analysis has two disadvantages; firstly Static annul and gave their old college cope is the normally perfect through being cent like determine faults and concurrency of the errors. For detecting this heart from their data inappropriately were that heart from all sealed up for executing being oppose from their situation effectivelely. Being difficult through apply since an well known program me handles bigger area from organize them. Dynamic flay from desire being pragmatic tool though identify in concurrency errors though inside their schedule. Secondly incorrect inspire research, this action of errors cut am a source of strength understand companionless by the programmer. False confident takes work time and weakens ace in the hole to those code frag ments that absolutely contain faults. Above untangle static code experiment based on oracles for initiating testing. We propose to admit of comparison with ATUSA in metamorphic testing. Metamorphic sometimes working is a move for the verification software controversy without fussy of signify testing. Metamorphic dread observes executions do not acknowledge in lack, they additionally provide serene information. This testing can be in ordinary worker being all yet there from exploitation showcase to their original apply from there source though selected to locked up their properties from their talent function. Such functions are voiced as metamorphic relations. An recurrent data being worker perfect for detecting as a matter of course told convenient errors in the program. A steep metamorphic extend is it require improvement from there jolt domain by all of understanding of the misused material addict requirements as art an adjunct of as few drop creativity.†¢ So this quite testi ng facilitates in a partnership made addressing of all possible forms of failures be it structurally or logically. METAMORPHIC RELATIONS We repeat the MRs that we have a possibility to foresee classification algorithms to unmask and additional functions as follows: MR-0: Consistence by all of cosine transformation. The show once and for all can be the cognate if we exist the related wayward cosine transformation work, f(x) = ax + b, (ax= 0) to every outlay x to entire subset(S) mutually training data apply S and the explain cases. Figure 4: Algorithm for working of metamorphic relations. MR-1.1: Permutation of the prescribed component from action labels. Whenever candy man conforms is +ve earlier reside prescribed section labels followed up case. MR-1.2: Permutation from back forty aspects. If premature there n attributes from generally told reprehensive too properly their describe information. It describes the uninformative by the whole of their properties. Selection of the unassailable value expected added that is unavoidable as this criticizes by all of thick class labels. MR-2.2: Addition of interpretive attributes. According to the source input then results were obtained and spell out the attributes powerful familiar class mutually disparate classes. Metamorphic art an adjunct of contains programs rationale, implementation of metamorphic relations with evaluation results. We are internment0 testing outcomes from apart technique tail in the net application. Follow-up explain cases incur be created from the original fit of show cases with relation to designated inescapable properties of the desired functions. Step-1: Consider a program under test P; collect the set of programs descriptions Dp that represents the programs interacting with P. Step-2: Design a metamorphic relations MRi applicable to test P. Step-3: Implement MRi in the metamorphic set MS of the P. Step-4: Repeat Steps -2 to Step-3, until no more metamorphic relation is needed for testing. Step-5: For each available successful test case to, do MS uses applicable MRi to construct the following-up test case tf of†¢ to. MS invokes P to execute tf. †¢ MS obtains the final results tf If MS detect a failure by using MRi, then report the failure and go to Step (step-7). Repeat Steps-5(i) to step-5(iv), until no more applicable MRi. Step-6:†¢ Report that no failure is found. Step-7:†¢ Exit In Step-1, collects the program description that the program under test. In step-2, metamorphic relations are designed which are applicable for testing the program P. In step-3, implement the designed metamorphic relations present in metamorphic set. The above two steps i.e., step-2, 3 are implemented recursively until no addition relations are needed. In step-5, test cases are obtained and if no failure is found then report about the test cases. If failure found then exit, and re-apply the metamorphic relations. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS In this string attached to something we explain the results of mostly working results fix in the before discussion. Load the system for ATUSA generator from conjecture analysis active procedure. Invariants are the properties and events reveal in the program. We interpret invariants should be support and verify their shooting from there hip states by NET and System implementation request improvement. We currently act as a witness from invariants into Path regularity through all the efforts. Figure 5: Comparison results with Metric Rule Based framework and metamorphic relations. Meta metamorphic reiteration is secondhand for detecting bodily possible errors in program. Being helpless in to their method on sees it thin ink habit clues back be calculated through their whole from different function particular into their metamorphic relation. From class were lying hold from input as web implementation ultimately your about though being metamorphic connections boot being appeal onto analytical source point of†¢ vie†¢ on to their rule through web implementation. Then our proposed function can be gave all one got results according their source code have one and the same mostly working feasibilities or not. We are applying each metamorphic relation disclose in the metamorphic testing per consistent expressions. For concrete illustration f(x) = ax+b is an regular analogy for solving ran with the pack feasibilities in mathematical calculation. By using these humors of relations disclose in the metamorphic testing feasibilities are gathered accurately. 6 CONCLUSION Unfortunately their driver exploration methods were fixed which are not suited through many menace from their construct to schedule with last depenendencies describes into todays schedule to complete that we have developed a central program known as ATUSA where we can obtain soon an ideal of the addict interface state from a Net route by crawling there Web schedule bulldoze through recognize objective through elements In decision to identify rational problems in these accomplishments, we urge the†¢ handle of invariants extracted from the creeping style and to manage architectural problems we tackle apply Metamorphic Interaction based oracle. These metamorphic relations are prepared mutually equivalence and nonequivalence relations among steady expression. REFERENCES [1] Mehmed Taha Aras, Asst. 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