Monday, September 30, 2019
Did America become more intolerant during the 1920’s Essay
America is the most powerful country in the world and prides itself in being a ‘melting pot’ of different cultures but has that always been true of America. I would like to argue that during the 1920’s America became less tolerant of anything Un-American. I would like to mention immigration policy, the Ku Klux Klan, political hysteria and Religious intolerance. Before 1917 America had an ‘open door’ policy toward immigration but thousands of immigrants were pouring in from eastern European, Asian, and African countries which the WASPS (White Anglo Saxon Protestants), who had power at the time, didn’t want in America. After 1917 a literacy test was introduced so all immigrants had to be able to read and write in English to be allowed in to the country which discriminated against non English speaking countries and poorer countries where people couldn’t afford to learn English, and so the ‘open door’ began to close. In 1921 the amount of immigrants was still a major problem to the WASPS and the immigration quota act was introduced that only allowed three hundred and fifty seven thousand immigrants into the USA each year. It also stated the amount of people emigrating from a particular country should not exceed three percent of the number of people from that country already living in America in 1910. This system also discriminated against countries undesirable to the WASPS since they had the smallest population already living in America in 1910. The ‘open door’ closed further in 1924 when the amount of immigrants allowed into America was reduced to two percent of the population in 1890 and in 1929 when the total number of immigrants from any country was reduced to one hundred and fifty thousand people from any country to be allowed into America per year. The purpose of these laws was to protect the interests of the WASPS already in America who held power at the time but feared losing it to opposing groups such as Jews, Catholics, Blacks, Communists and anarchists. Another way America was becoming more intolerant during the 1920’s was through the Ku Klux Klan, an organisation founded by a Texan dentist named Hiram Wesley Evans and its main aim was to protect white supremacy and the interests of the WASPS. During the 1920’s when racial and political intolerance was at a peak membership rocketed to 5 million. The Klan was strongest in the southern states, which had previously been the slave states, and hatred for the blacks was heightened as whites and blacks were now competing for jobs, houses and land. The clan put its views across using extreme violence, for instance, should a black man get a job over a white man the white man would have a word with the Klan, the Klan would pay the black man a visit and the next day the black man would resign so the white man could have the job, in other cases the Klan would organise lynchings where mobs would roam the streets looking for a disliked ethnic minority person to beat up and possibly kill. Membership of the Klan was limited to American WASPS and no other ethnic groups could join. Another aspect of American intolerance was fear of revolution or ‘Red scare.’ In 1920 approximately 150,000 Americans had communist or anarchist views which represented 0.1 percent of the population of America but many Americans feared communist or anarchist revolution more than anything else. Communism and anarchy were feared so as: communist and anarchist extremists were seen to arrange trade union demonstrations which were described by the papers as communist demonstrations, an anarchist shot president McKinley dead twenty years previously, Russia had become a communist country in 1917 and the Palmer incident of 1920. In June 1920 an unidentified man left a bomb outside the house of the attorney general, A Mitchell Palmer which resulted in the death of the bomber. The attack was presumed to be a communist assassination attempt due to a copy of a communist newspaper being found in the vicinity of the blast, which may have been discarded there innocently or planted by Palmer to use the attack to stir up hatred for communists who were regarded as a threat to the American constitution and the WASPS in general. The attack resulted in A Mitchell Palmer heading raids on communists and anarchists that resulted in six thousand arrests and only two prosecutions for firearms offences. Another cause of political intolerance in the 1920’s was the case of Sacco and Vanzetti. Sacco and Vanzetti were charged with a wages robbery in which two guards were shot dead. Sacco and Vanzetti were both recent immigrants from Italy, neither spoke very good English, both were carrying loaded guns when arrested (although this is no crime in the USA even today) and most importantly both harboured anarchist views. Both men were put on trial with a highly biased Judge and a jury made up of WASPS, who in general disliked Anarchists and anything un-American. The evidence for the defence of Sacco and Vanzetti far outweighed the evidence against them and the prosecution even used the fact that Sacco was carrying an anarchist leaflet at the time of arrest against them. Even though Sacco and Vanzetti were probably innocent the jury found them guilty and the pair were executed on the twenty fourth of August 1927. The final aspect of American intolerance in the 1920’s I am going to write about is religious intolerance. Throughout the 1920’s church attendance across America was falling, especially on the urban areas. This worried many religious Americans and some of the more extreme people founded revivalist groups with the aim of getting American people back into the church. A prime example of an extreme revivalist and probably one of the most famous was ‘Sister’ Aimee Semple McPherson. Sister Aimee was head of the ‘Four square gospel alliance’ and she often led services of over five thousand people dressed as an angel and beating time to the hymns on a tambourine. Sister Aimee used the frenzy created during her sermons to make the incurable think they were cured and walk out of wheelchairs and leave crutches behind. Sister Aimee became a millionaire from collections taken during her services. Many Americans also became intolerant to non-American religious views such as Darwin’s theory of evolution. Darwin’s theory of evolution says that humans evolved from apes over millions of years and the bible states that the world was created in 4004 BC by god in six days. Darwin’s theory had caused great controversy in the mid-nineteenth century and was generally accepted across the board but as intolerance grew in the 1920’s people began to doubt this theory and the old arguments flared up again. In 1924 strong fundamentalists (who were against Darwin’s theory) set up the anti-evolution league with the aim of making it illegal to teach the theory of evolution. Even though the idea seems somewhat farfetched the anti evolution league succeeded in six states. In Dayton, Tennessee two teachers, Johnny Scopes and his college decided to put the new law to test and for Johnny Scopes to teach the theory of evolution to his class and his college to sue him for breach of the law. Johnny Scopes taught his class the theory of evolution and was subsequently arrested and put on trial. The two sides hijacked the trial and it became Christian fundamentalism on trail rather than Johnny Scopes. Benefactors from both sides of the argument hired two of the best lawyers in America to fight the ‘Monkey trial’ (as the press called it). During the trial the defence lawyer questioned the prosecution lawyer on flaws in the biblical theory he couldn’t explain to which the prosecution lawyer replied, â€Å"I am not satisfied by any evidence I have seen.†The questioning continued like this until the press began making fun of the prosecution lawyer and the judge put a stop to it. Johnny Scopes was found guilty of breaking the law and fined one hundred dollars. These are the main reasons for which I believe the United States of America was becoming more intolerant during the 1920’s. I particularly believe the American immigration policy, the Ku Klux Klan and the Red Scare contributed greatly to the views of many Americans and all the intolerance was down to the selfishness of the WASPS who wanted to protect their own supremacy, wealth, beliefs and interests.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Case Study of Lipids
Lipid Panels Case Study Subject #1 This fifty year old man that has no apparent health problems has a low ‘HDL’ of 30mg/dl. That’s not a good thing because he’ll be more likely to develop heart disease or have a heart attack/stroke. Anything over 60mg/dl is considered to be optimal. He is border line high for LDL’s of 160mg/dl, the ideal number is 100mg/dl or lower. That number tells me he is at greater risk to heart disease and/or heart attack. Better diet and exercise would help him tremendously. He is also in the high range for triglycerides at 300mg/dl, considering anything under 150mg/dl is normal. He is at risk for high blood pressure and diabetes to name a couple things. Staying away from cigarettes, eating the right foods, and exercise would be ideal. After 150-199mg/dl it just goes to borderline, then high levels 200-499mg/dl, and then very high levels 500mg/dl or higher. Subject #2 Is a forty five year-old sedentary women who is 5’9†tall and weighs 170 pounds, with a history of hypertension. She has a ‘HDL’ level of 40mg/dl which is not very good it should be at or above 60mg/dl. She has a ‘LDL’ of 140mg/dl that is borderline high and her triglyceride level is at 250mg/dl which is high. She is high risk for heart disease, heart attack, stroke, obesity, and is at risk for metabolic syndrome. These can be greatly reduced by exercising 30 min a day for 4 days, eating healthier foods such as oily fish, fruits, and veggies. Subject #3 Is a sixty year-old sedentary who stands 5’9†tall and his weight is 230lbs. He has an ‘HDL’ level of 25mg/dl and that is low, it should be 60mg/dl or higher. Unfortunately a low (High-Density Lipoprotein) or ‘LDL’ puts you at risk of a heart attack, heart disease, or stroke. Eating less animal and partially hydrogenated fats along with exercise can help. This man has a (Low-Density Lipoprotein) or ‘LDL’ at 250mg/dl which is extremely high. He needs to try and eat more healthy foods like oily fish, veggies, fruits, whole-grains, high-fiber foods, and exercise as much as he can to try and bring that number down. Otherwise he will be more likely to develop heart diseases, stroke or a number of the bad things. And his Triglyceride level was at 115mg/dl, which is pretty good or normal I should say. High triglyceride levels could increase the risk of heart disease and might be a sign of metabolic syndrome. Resources http://circ. ahajournals. org/cgi/content/full/114/1/82 http://americanheart. org/
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The war in syria and its consequences on lebanon Research Paper
The war in syria and its consequences on lebanon - Research Paper Example lion attacks during the war hence making it further impossible for the people in Syria to access basic amenities like school and hospitals (White, 15). At the same time, the warring parties assaulted civilians by using mass weapons for destruction like chemical guess. Following that, there have been a great number of Syrians moving out of the country to Iraq, Jordan, Turkey, Egypt and Lebanon. Lebanon became home to a large number of refugees from Syria owing to the fact that it has the longest border with Syria. Following that, Lebanon has been an integral player as a consequence of the dynamics of the war in Syria (Barnes-Dacey, 15). This paper will tackle the issues that have arisen following the upsurge of refugees in the Lebanon borders and Lebanon as a country. At the same time, the paper will tackle various aspects in relation to the effect of the Syria’s civil war on Lebanon. Government instability following divided support of the war in Syria, which has been instigated by the fact that in the top leadership of the Lebanon, both pro - al Assad and pro - rebel groups do exist. The part will involve a brief information on the war in Syria siting its effects and causes. At the same time, the section will shade light on the role of Lebanon in the war, bringing out the reason as to why it plays an integral role in the Syrian war. In addition, the section will seek to understand the relationship that has been in place between Syria and Lebanon over a couple of years. This is important in determining the dynamics of the relationship of the two countries from pre-war and during the warring time. This paper will establish the importance the information obtained from the study on the international point of view about the war. At the same time the paper will highlight the importance of the information on both the Syrian and Lebanon authorities. Perhaps this will make them make better decisions that might help in mitigating the effects of the war. Lastly, it
Friday, September 27, 2019
Remote Access Attacks Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Remote Access Attacks - Case Study Example The other assumption would be the network was setup by a rookie as the topology is poor and vulnerable to attacks. Finally the final assumption would be the management is not aware of the need of a secure network. The management needs to be informed and enlightened on information confidentiality, integrity and availability (Lammle, 2008). Firstly the network is vulnerable as the firewall doesn’t serve its purpose. Firewall is meant to barricade the traffic between a public and private network. In our case the public network is the internet and the private network is the Quick Finance Network. It uses access lists and other methods to ensure the security of the private network. From the diagram the firewalls should be deployed between the router and the internet, and the web server and the internet and between the internet and the VPN server. Access lists that are employed on the firewall are set of conditions kept by routers that determines allowed traffic to and from various services on the network. In the quick finance network access lists can be deployed in the network to control the movement of traffic between the different buildings and also in a building, in case of information applying to specific offices/departments. Access lists are helpful in exercising control over network traffic. Access lists offer network control. These lists enhance the flexibility to filter the packets that flow in or out router interfaces. The access lists help protect expanding network resources without impeding the flow of legitimate communication. They differentiate packet traffic into categories that permit or deny other features. Proxy is another security measure that can be deployed. Proxy restricts who accesses what and which sites to block. The layer design deployed also needs to be improved. The network needs to be created using the proposed three layer design. The proposed three layer design comprises of core layer- this is where the public and private networks meet through a firewall router/switch, distribution layer – this layer holds switches which lead to different buildings and offices and access layer – the layer where the user is connected to the network. Vulnerabilities on this network There lots of vulnerabilities on this network and lots of access points where intruders can gain entry of this network. For starters the firewall has been wrongly placed. The firewall should be put across the perimeter of the network in order to limit access to the network. From the topology the firewalls don’t serve their purpose as they have been put beside the servers. The firewall is used for basic packet filtering. The filtering decision is made separately for every packet, thus a packet that was allowed earlier won’t dictate the entry of a later packet. It’s based on source and destination IP address, protocol and source and destination port numbers. The network should use the proposed layer 3 network model. Where we have three layers: access layer, distribution layer and core layer. This will avoid a bad topology as the current one where all the machines are connected via an Ethernet cable. With a layer three topology it would implement use of switches and more routers to control movement of packets and enforce access control. It would also have all the servers well placed in order to ensure data security, availability, integrity and confidentiality
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Black and Dull Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Black and Dull - Essay Example Rather, Diouna, the black girl, was mistreated, abused. She had no family, relatives or friends to help her in her helpless situation. There was no one to comfort her but herself. Nevertheless, it is said that â€Å"no man is an island†and when isolation was the only thing there was to comfort her, Diouna showed that death is sweeter than life. The story is set in the 1960s when racial discrimination was still so strong. Although the number of characters is limited, they exemplified the majority of cases among the Black employees and White employers. Between Madame Pouchet and Diouna there was nothing that would tie them together but the relationship of employer-employee. Pouchet was not obligated to be good to her maid but she went the extra mile of being generous to her while they were still in Africa. However, the future eventually revealed her motives. She was not actually as generous and good as she showed in Africa. She discriminated her maid. Diouana never went out of the house but continually worked for the family and a visitor. There was no freedom, no day of rest but a pile of work to do and a bunch of demanding family members in exchange for a mere three thousand Francs a month. Madame Pouchet knows how difficult Diouana’s situation is because during their earlier vacations, she often had to do the household chores herself and take care of her own two children. Her former maids were not only paid higher salaries but they also demanded a day off and she often had to fire them. Yet she was not considerate about the Black girl’s needs. She knows that there is nothing Diouna could do once she is with them in another country. She proved to be harsh. Probably, Pouchet’s true colors can be said to have been revealed when they were in France as it is shown with her words to Diouna before she took her life saying, â€Å"But to find you telling lies, like a native, that I don’t like†(776). In reaction, the Black girl ’s lips trembled, probably showing extreme anger that led her to just end her life. For the other harassments she experienced in the Pouchet family, Diouana was simply described to have been exasperated but not angry. Yet the discriminatory comments of Madame Pouchet brought her to the peak of her impatience. In addition, the children became a burden not only because of the demand for her to work harder but because of the psychological abuse they have devised against Diouna. The oldest child called friends and led them into taunting her with a chant of â€Å"Black girl, Black girl. She’s as black as midnight†(773). She was, to the very sense of it, a slave. She was mocked but still did everything to their liking and was left with nothing but three thousand Francs. She was not just a cook, nursemaid, and chambermaid for the family but to the friends and extended family of the Pouchets as well as she was taken from villa to villa to serve family and friends. She was, in her own words, â€Å"Bought, bought. Sold, sold†(775). To make things worse, when they went to the commodore’s residence, â€Å"some silly people, who followed her about, hanging on her heels in the kitchen, had been there for dinner. Their presence was an oppressive shadow on her slightest movement. She had the feeling of not knowing how to do anything†(774). Since she was Black, a girl from an uncivilized nation, the people judged her as ignorant. Maybe she was, but not in manners they
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Identification Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Identification - Essay Example Most members establish the need to be part of this party as it sought to eradicate job discrimination and racism that had most affected the African American populations. Dixiecrats movement played a historical significance in the United States. Based on this research, it opposed the anti-poll tax legislation and equality in employment and recruitment practices. The movement pledged to uphold white supremacy and uphold segregation. Although the movement have been dismissed as a failed third party, it was significant to the southern economical and political change. Dixiecrats were important White Citizens members along with other massive resistance organizations that were dedicated to uphold segregation that later flourished throughout the southern region from 1950s and 1960s. Since then, the ideological and political lines were drawn between the Republican and Democrat parties as liberals and moderates, which were converted from Republicans to Democrats. The party ensured that justice prevailed in the United States without any presence of racism or discrimination. Betty Friedan The feminine mystique Betty Friedan is widely credited for his nonfiction book The Feminine Mystique. This book was first published in 1963 that addressed the aspects revolving feminism in the United States. In her book, Betty discusses how women were denied their rights in the 1950s and early 1960s. Her book discussed the lives of women as housewives who were unhappy in their marriages. Betty points out that women were discriminated in the society while men were given the rights to rule, make wealth, and dictate in their families. Her book was a wakeup call to the United States that women wanted more than what they were given by the society. The book creates the concept of feminine mystique in that it addressed women as being devoted to being mothers and housewives. In the final chapter of her book, Betty advocates that women should view themselves more than homemakers and mothers. They should find total fulfilment in their lives by finding meaningful task that utilizes their full mental or brain capacity. The historic significance behind this book is that, it created a strong ground for Americans to understand how women were discriminated in the society. The book created great insights that women in the American society should enjoy their lives, abilities, and skills. In so doing, the author believed that this would enhance a positive impact in the American society. Betty Friedan’s book, the Feminine Mystique enhanced a significant change on the 1950s and 60s image of women. It helped many women to realize their potential in the American society. The book enabled the American society to respect women in the society. Many understood that women were more than house wives or mothers. Great Society/War on poverty The war on poverty or Great society was the legislation introduced by President Lyndon Johnson in 1964. The president proposed this legislation to dea l with the high poverty rate that had affected the United States. As part of the war on poverty, President Johnson expanded the government’s function in health care and education. He believed that these were best strategies that would eradicate poverty in the United States. The major society programs were intended to deter poverty by boosting
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
What Are The Drawbacks And Benefits For Teenagers Going To The Essay
What Are The Drawbacks And Benefits For Teenagers Going To The University - Essay Example In today’s world, graduation is not sufficient to meet future challenges and the economic survival. Hence, students who have good track record to get admission in the top class universities of the globe aim at to find out better opportunities and facilities for self and for their families alike. Other benefits of learning in a university gets closer with learning another language for international students, better opportunities, state of the art laboratories, very well maintained libraries and the computer technologies. In spite of mentioned benefits, there are many drawbacks, which students have to face during their stay in a foreign university, e.g. cultural differences, home sickness and easy communication with fellow students, professors, advisors and the people. Discussion Drawbacks We all know that taking a university degree means you have to spend three to four years in an educational institution. To meet the educational expenses, students have to work in different esta blishments (chosen retail outlets, warehouses and factories) to earn money regularly. The admission in a reputable university has now become status symbol. Since the degree level education spans over three to four years, therefore, students have to work hard for a longer period of time.... Less fortunate category of students all over the world due to complete involvement in studies and jobs cannot spare time for socializing activities. In view of the hectic schedule, they do not even find time to go out and enjoy with their friends for years. Minority of students who could not strike a balance between their studies and jobs have to say goodbye to their jobs, which compel their parents to meet extra expenses through their noses (Kenny & Gallagher 2003). The students in a foreign land have to go through the experience of making friends frequently. During their stay in foreign universities, students either have to rely on the income derives out from their jobs, parents support or to depend on the student loans since no other option is available to meet their expenses. The student loan is more affordable to them because of its being soft term. Further, repayment of such loan is associated with the availability of job to a student after completion of study. Despite availabi lity of soft term loan, student at some stage of their life has to pay off the debt with interest accrued thereon. Conversely, if a student do not find job just after graduation from the university, he has to face the distaste of interest accrued on the borrowed money (Kenny & Gallagher 2003). Benefits Teen’s education at university carries drawbacks and benefits side by side. First of all, students find themselves fortunate enough for having an admission in one of the reputed Universities (preferably in UK, USA and Australian Universities). By way of getting admission in a foreign university of repute, students find themselves in a place where opportunities are in abundance for them in terms of educational needs and spoken
Monday, September 23, 2019
Analytical Study on the Issues Related to Gun Control Essay
Analytical Study on the Issues Related to Gun Control - Essay Example The issue of gun control is augmented with the present tendencies of using handguns by the civilians and students, who cause for much havoc among the people. The sniper shootings in America have made a deep threat among the civilians in America. In such circumstances it is worthwhile to redefine the American democratic system with its application in the present issue. Therefore, this essay tries to analyze the issue of gun control with the democratic features of pluralism, stratificationism and hyper pluralism. The Issues related to Gun control in America show a specialty of the democratic aspect, that is, Pluralism. There are different notions regarding gun control in America. The BBC reports, â€Å"Americans now appear equally split between urban liberals who want gun control and tough environmental controls, and country dwellers who oppose abortion on demand and support hunting with guns†(BBC News). Some of the states like California, Illinois, New York and the District of Columbia support some sort of control in gun rights. The states like Washington, Florida and Texas stand for the gun rights. In the states like Alaska and Arizona the concealed carry laws are so simple and so everyone can have guns. The gun control has been viewed differently by Democratic Party and Republican Party. The Democratic Party stands for the gun control measures whereas the Republican Party stands against the gun control (BBC News). So it can be stated that the issue of gun control is a partisan issue. Some states, some groups and some political parties support gun control whereas some, on the other side, critically object it. The gun control in the country remains to be a sharply attacked by the gun lobby prevalent in America. NRA (National Rifle Association) is the most powerful lobby arguing for the citizens’ rights of gun. It adheres to the Bill of Rights as put forward by the 2nd Amendment which ensures the citizens to possess gun. The gun lobbyists in Americ a stand as a supreme interest group in America projecting the dominance of interest groups in American democracy. The bill on gun control was presented in the different Houses of the state but was denied support by taking the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution which states that every American citizen has the right to protect his/her life from others, and therefore, the Constitution gives him the right to bear arms. This constitutional right could not be changed even in the modern scenario due to the influence of the gun lobbyists. The Second Amendment of American Constitution stands for the rights for guns. It ensures the citizens’ rights to own the firearms. The modern incidents of mass killing by the firearms have made the people to rethink about the excessive use of guns in America. The mass killing 32 innocent people on the campus of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University at Virginia, and the similar incidents at various parts of the country, have put the stat es to regulate on the use of guns by the civilians. The proposal of the states to ban gun was thoroughly failed by the influence of gun lobbies in America. In America around 145 groups are arguing for the gun culture and NRA is having the most influence of these all. The Pluralistic aspect of democracy has excessively played its role on this issue. Pluralism is a
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Group Insurance Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Group Insurance Environment - Essay Example Some of the programs offered include preventive services, emergency services, alcohol and substance abuse, mental health services, pregnancy and maternity care, and emergency services. Dental care is provided through Delta Dental. This depends on the choice of network by the employee. In this case, the employee may visit any dentist of choice but the maximum benefits are available when the employee chooses Delta provider (AMB 6). Vision care benefits provide eye coverage. However, one is required to use Vision Service Plan (VSP) (AMB 7). 2) Identify the following benefits as either a form of â€Å"Group Insurance†or â€Å"Self-Funding†Benefits: Retirement Plans, Employee Assistance Program (EAP), Employee Stock Purchase Plans (ESPP), and Stock Grants. Apart from the security benefits of today, AMB assists employees to plan for their future by allowing employees to save toward their retirement. Employees contributions are automatically deducted their paycheck on a pretax basis (AMB 4). AMB also provides Employee-Assistance Program (EAP) to all eligible employees and their eligible dependants, free of charge. This includes confidential counseling and referral services for issues that may affect employees’ personal life or even job performance (AMB 5). They help in areas like marital problems, emotional or stress related issues, drug abuse, child and elder care, financial assistance, and legal matters. AMB also provides voluntary benefits in terms of education and training programs in support of professional development of employees. They provide employees with tuition fees, seminar reimbursement programs and conferences. AMB arranges for flexible spending accounts (FSAs). This allows employees to pay their care expenses with pretax dollars. When employees enroll in FAS, the amount they select is deducted from their paycheck on a pretax basis. Federally mandated benefits in AMB’s plan includes paying less in taxes
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Research Paper Animal Experimentation Essay Example for Free
Research Paper Animal Experimentation Essay I Introduction Thesis Statement: Animal testing is a debatable issue in modern society. Some people argue that animal testing should be kept due to medical benefits and research study conveniences. However, I think animal experimentation should be banned by refuting supporters’ arguments. II Body A. Opposing argument 1 Animal experimentations are conducted for human health. Rebuttal to this argument: Animal testing can cause serious problems regarding to human health. a. The results of animal experimentation are often inconclusive and cannot be accurately applied to human. b. Animal drug testing causes a lot of dangerous side effects. B. Opposing argument 2 Animal experimentation is vital for research purposes. Rebuttal to this argument: Ethnics problems: Are humans too selfish? a. Animal testing can be extremely cruel and inhumane. b. Examples to illustrate the cruelly experiments conducted on animals. c. Animals deserve the equal rights as humans. C. Opposing argument 3 There are no effective alternatives to animal experimentation. Rebuttal to this argument: The facts of efficient non-animal methods and relevant benefits. a. Examples of successful alternative methods. b. Lists of possible technology as alternative methods. c. The benefits of non-animal methods. III Conclusion Animal Testing should be banned due to its cruelness, moral issues and the existence of effective alternative methods. Should Animal Experimentation Be Abandon? Animal Experimentation, also known as animal testing, is the use of animals to conduct experiments or do research in the laboratory. The number of animals used in experiments increased dramatically after World War II. Nowadays, animal experimentation is widely used in many areas such as medical research, behavior study, and drug tests. It is estimated that scientists in America utilize more than 15 million animals each year in their research. Also, animal research and testing is used in almost 10% of all biomedical research. (â€Å"Animal experimentation†, 2011, para.4 ) While some people insist animal experimentation is necessary for social progress due to its unique contributions to human health and scientific researches, opponents of animal research argue that it is cruel, immoral, and unnecessary. As a matter of fact, animal experimentation has been a controversy issue for a very long time. At the same time, there are an increasing number of regulations which restrict animal testing to some extent in order to protect animals’ rights. From my perspective, animal experimentation should be abandoned because of its inhuman cruelness, moral issues, and the existence of possible alternatives. The most common arguments supporting animal experimentation can be refuted and shown to be unnecessary harm to animals. There are many arguments to support animal experimentation. Supporters of animal testing assert animal experimentations are beneficial for human health and vital for research purposes. Also, supporters tend to believe that there are no effective alternatives for animal experimentation. One of the most common opinions supporters of animal experimentation hold is that a lot of animal experimentations are conducted for human health. They assert animal testing is critical for drug development, the safety of cosmetic products, and treatment for diseases. For instance, Carl Cohen (2005), a professor of philosophy at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, argues that vaccines for diseases such as polio and malaria could not have been developed without animal testing (para.1). There is no denying that humans did benefit a lot from animal experimentations. People practice on dogs first to learn how to perform surgery successfully, test the toxicity of ingredients of shampoo on mice to ensure the safety of cosmetic products, and study the infected chimpanzees to study the virus effects. These actions seem to be reasonable. However, there are also plenty of problems of animal experimentation associated with human health are ignored by supporters. The results of animal testing are often inconclusive and cannot be accurately applied to human. â€Å"Many of the drugs approved through animal experimentation have proven dangerous to humans†(Thomas, 2008, para.3). The inner structure of human body is quite different from animals’. In fact, animal experimentation results cannot predict many common life threatening side effects of new products like drugs and cosmetics. Animal testing could be the reason that many so called â€Å"safety products†drugs which work perfectly on animals would cause so many dangerous side effects on human body. More seriously, it is possible for humans to suffer from allergic reactions, some blood disorders, skin lesions and many central nervous system effects that cannot be demonstrated by animal models (Singer, 2006). Most medications are derived from one big contradiction: Our government demands that we test all medications on animals prior to continuing to human trials, and it admits that applying animal data to humans is a leap of faith. However, animal drug testing cannot guarantee all the medications would apply to humans. Still, many human diseases go uncured. Besides human health perspective, supporters argue it is necessary to conduct research through animal experimentation. The history of animal experimentation can be traced back a very early time. The earliest references to animal testing are found in the writings of the Greeks in the 2nd and 4th centuries BCE (History of nonhuman animal research, 1984). The achievements of animal testing research cannot be ignored. For example, the Roman physician Galen dissected pigs and apes to demonstrate that veins carry blood, not air as people previously thought. In the early 1600’s English doctor William Harvey dissected numerous types of animals, including frogs and fish, to show how blood circulates the body. During the 1800s, scientists used animals to examine the role of microorganisms in causing disease (Gilland, 2002).Scientists take advantage of the animals’ biological similarity to humans to gain advanced biology and behavior knowledge. Furthermore, scientists can create controlled environments for animals (regulating their diet, temperature, and other factors) in a way that would be difficult for human research subjects. Evidence shows  the research progress benefits from animal experimentation. It cannot be denied that the animal experimentation plays a crucial role in research. However, as the scale of animal experimentations increasing drastically over years, there are more animal-rights movements and more ethics questions have come to the top. Opponents of animal experimentation consider it is unethical due to reasons such as it is cruel and inhuman, and it violates animals’ rights. Firstly, animal testing is always merciless. The condition of where animals are kept within laboratory could be poor, and animals are often exposed to harmful chemicals to see the results. In 1997, people for the Ethical Treatment of Animals filmed staff inside Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) in the UK. The staff was hitting puppies, shouting at them, and taking blood samples from the dogs. (â€Å"It’s A Dog’s Life,†2005). Another example is the primate experiments conducted at the University of Cambridge in 2002. The monkeys in laboratory had undergone surgery to induce a stroke, and were left alone after the procedure for 15 hours overnight. They were only given food and water for two hours a day so that researchers can better observe their reactions in different situations (Sandra, 2005). The extremely pain and suffering caused by animal testing has become a serious ethics issue. The second debatable ethics issue is regarding to animals’ rights. People have started to ask whether animals deserve the same rights as humans. According to human’s basic rights, a person may not be killed, cruelly treated, intimidated, or imprisoned for no good reason. Put another way, people should be able to live in their own needs and preferences. What about animals? Do they deserve the basic respects like humans? There is no doubt that animals experience life as humans do. Animals can feel pain and fear, and they would be desperate in difficult situations. It is true that animals do not have the same abilities as humans. They cannot speak, write or invent things, but neither can some humans. Can we deprive the rights of those humans who lack these abilities? Do we say disabled humans have no inherent value and rights? Certainly not, because their lives still has value to them. As philosopher Tom Regan (1985) has said in his argument for animal rights: we are each of us the experiencing subject of a life, a conscious creature having an individual welfare that has importance to us whatever our usefulness to others†¦ animals too must be viewed as the experiencing subjects of a life, with inherent value of their own(p.13). It is not justifiable to harm animals’ lives for the benefits of humans. Humans tend to regard themselves as the most important and valuable species on earth. However, this opinion is too self-centered and unmoral. Millions of species are all living on this planet, and they all deserve the dignity to live. Even though there is no doubt that better research progress would be gained from animal testing, we human cannot take the benefits from the misfortune of other species. We are part of this planet, and we have the obligation to protect ecological balance, not to harm it. Supporters of animal experimentation are also aware of the defects and ethical problems of animal experimentation, but they assert there are no effective alternatives to animal testing. As a matter of fact, with the development of technology, there are many more possibilities to conduct experimentations without animals. Thanks to modern technology, more and more non-animal research is being used now all over the world. For example, Pharmagene Laboratories is the first company to use only human tissues and sophisticated computer technology for the purpose of drug development and testing. People in Pharmagene use sophisticated scanning devices to analyze inner structure of human. With tools from biochemistry, analytical pharmacology, and molecular biology, Pharmagene is able to study human genes and drug effects on the proteins they make. They have made great achievements in the field of non-animal experimentation. Besides, the scientists in Pharmagene believe that the study process would be much more efficient with human tissues instead of animals’. They also state there would be lower risk associated with non-animal experimentation. (Coghlan,1996). As I pointed out before, animal testing can be inconclusive and inaccurate. Also, it is usually expensive to do experiments on animals. On the contrary, non-animal methods often take less time and cost less to conduct. Effective, affordable, and humane research methods include sophisticated in vitro, genomic, and computer-modeling techniques as well as studies of human populations, volunteers, and patients. Why do we have to conduct the cruel, immoral animal testing which cost us money and effort? People c an use these effective alternatives instead. Today, animal experimentations are still used widespread in areas of biology, behavior study, medical research, and drug testing. Although supporters of animal experimentations argue that animal testing is beneficial for human health, critical for research purposes, there are strong evidence showing that animal experimentation might not be necessary. Animal experimentation can cause a lot of dangerous side effects in drug testing. Moreover, People’s diseases cannot be accurately treated through animal experimentation. Also, there are serious moral issues associated with animal testing, and we should not take the benefits from the misfortune of other species. People need to be aware of the disadvantages of animal testing and seek for better alternatives. Non-animal methods often take less time and cost less to conduct. With the development of technology, there would be more and more effective alternatives to animal testing. Due to the various disadvantages of animal experimenta tion, we ought to abandon animal testing and focus on better solutions. I believe humans can benefit more from non-animal experimentations References Animal Experimentation.(2011). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Balls, M. Statement on the Application of the Epidermâ„ ¢ Human Skin Model for Skin Corrosivity Testing. New York, NY: Metropolitan. Cohen, C. (2001). The Animal Rights Debate. Lanham, MD: Rowman. Coghlan, A, (1996). Pioneers Cut Out Animal Testing. New Scientist, 9, 31-33. Deborah, L. (2009). Novel Multicellular Organotypic Models of Normal and Malignant Breast: Tools for Dissecting the Role of Microenvironmen in Breast Cancer Progression. Breast Cancer Research, 11, p.3. Festing, S. (2008). Animal Researchâ€â€a Defense. Retrieved from http://www. Newstatesman.con/life-and-society/2008/03/animal-rights-debate. Gilland, T. (2002). Animal Experimentation: Good or Bad? London: Hodder. It’s a Dog’s Life. (2005). Small World Productions, pp. 54, 56. Laboratory Primate Advocacy Group. (1984). History of nonhuman animal Research. Boston, MA: Bedford. Regan, T. (1985). The Case for animal rights. New York: Basil Blackwell. Sandra, L.(2005). Lab monkeys in tests. The Grardian. p. R3. Singer, P. (2006). In Defense of Animals: The Second Wave. Malden, MA: Blackwell. Thomas, P.(2008). Animal Testingâ€â€Dangerous to Human Health. Retrieved From http://www.newstatesman/life-and-society/2008/animal-right
Friday, September 20, 2019
The efficient market hypothesis and behavioral finance
The efficient market hypothesis and behavioral finance The efficient market hypothesis is directly related to the behaviour of prices in asset markets. Initially the term efficient market applied only to the stock market, but later it was generalised to other asset markets. The efficient market hypothesis is seen as the turning point of the modern finance (Fama, 1965) and in his classic paper, Fama (1970) defined efficient market as one in which security always fully reflect the available information [p.383]. Market efficiency is known as the speed and accuracy where the current market prices reflect the investor expectations. When the market is efficient, all the available information is fully and automatically reflected in the price, gaining profit by using this information is seen impossible. Efficient market hypothesis predicts that market price should incorporate all available information at any point in time. According to Pesaran, Hashem M (2010) The efficient market hypothesis (EMH) evolved in the 1960s from the random walk theory of asset prices advanced by Samuelson (1965). Samuelson showed that in an informationally efficient market hypothesis, price changes must be unforecastable. Kendall (1953), Cowles (1960), Osborne (1959), Osborne (1962), and many others had already provided statistical evidence on the random nature of equity price changes. Samuel-sons contribution was, however, instrumental in providing academic respectability for the hypothesis, despite the fact that the random walk model had been around for many years; having been originally discovered by Louis Bachelier, a French statistician, back in 1900. One important implication is that security prices will change only when there is arrival of new information that was not considered during the formation of current market prices. Yet the information will be evaluate and process this information efficiently and immediately incorporate into the security prices. The crucial questions here is the relevant information because it needs careful analysis and the conclusion about market efficiency could be there or extracted from the information set. A standard classification for different compositions or information set was outlined by Fama (1970) as weak form, semi-strong form and strong form. On the other hand, new empirical studies of security prices have reversed some of the earlier findings related to EMH. The traditional finance school named these observation anomalies due to the unexplainable in the neoclassical framework. Due to the increasing numbers of puzzles, the new approach of behavioural finance emerged. This approach focus on the investors behaviour in making decision in investment. This approach assumes that agents may be unreasonable during interpreting new information and thus lead to making wrong judgement in investment. This paper will discuss the definition and concept of efficient market hypothesis and behavior finance in general. I will be look into market issues for countries of Malaysia, USA, Africa and Jordan. I would then like to highlight the issues on this area for future research. Efficient Market Hypothesis Definition and Concept The Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) is an investment theory that stated it is impossible to compete with the market when stock market efficiency causes existing share prices to always incorporate and reflect all relevant information. According to the EMH, stocks are always trade at their fair value on stock exchanges. Investors will face difficulties or even impossible in either purchase undervalued stocks or sell stocks for inflated prices. The possible way for investors to obtain higher returns is by purchasing riskier investment and they have to outperform the overall market through expert stock selection or market timing. Forms of Efficient Market Hypothesis There are three forms of Efficient Market Hypothesis where the key to all the three forms remain that is intense competition among investors to gain profit from any new information. There are three versions of EMH, namely the Weak From EMH, Semi Strong EMH and Strong EMH. The weak form EMH is based on past history of prices where the past information is used to analyze for profit return. This method is called technical analysis. The value retrieved from technical analysis is strong and consistent. On the other hand in semi strong form, the current stock price has fully taken into consideration all publicly information that is available. However, the information in the semi strong form is available to all the investors; one is expected not to gain much profit with such information. But this form is stronger than the weak form. Whereas strong form of EMH is taking the current price fully incorporates all existing inside information, both public and private. When the information set us limited to past price and return, the market is said to be weak-from efficient and there is correlation between current return on security and the return over a previous period. However the return is purely unpredictable from the past information. In semi strong Efficient Market Hypothesis, all publicly available information is reflected in the stock market. Investment Managers claim that mutual fund managers are skilled in analyzing publicly available information but empirical evidence do not support. Market Efficiency and security prices reflect all available information whereas new information is expected to be converted into price changes. Efficient Capital Market participants will react immediately and in an unbiased manner. Important of Efficient Market Hypothesis There are common misconceptions of Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH). EMH claims that investors cannot outperform the market but there are analysts who have succeed in outperformed. So EMH is seen to be incorrect. EMH claims that one should not be expected to outperform the market predictably or consistently. EMH said that financial analysis is pointless and investors are wasting time if doing research in security price. But everyone knows that financial analyst is still needed in the market. Again EMH is found to be incorrect. EMH sees new information as always fully reflected in market places and yet prices fluctuated every day, every hour and minutes. EMH must be incorrect. EMH presumes that all investors are technically expert but in reality it is otherwise. EMH is incorrect again. Criticism towards Efficient Market Hypothesis There are several opinions against the EMH. First is the over reaction and under reaction of investors. EMH claims that the investor react quickly and in an unbiased manner to new information but it was contradicted to De Bont and Thaler. EMH claims that investors react very fast and in an unbiased manner when they received information but De Bond and Thaler said otherwise. They said that stock with long term past return tend to have a higher future returns and vice versa and empirical observation shows that stock prices respond to earning about a year after the announcement. Secondly, the value versus growth where value strategy is able to outperform the market consistently. Finally is the small firm effects where average return on small stocks were too large to be justified by the CAPM while the average returns on large stocks were too low. There are also implications of Market Efficient for Investors where the EM, investors have little to gain from active management strategies; should follow passive investment strategy and no attempts to beat the market but to optimize returns through diversification and asset allocation. Behavioral Finance Definition and Concept The behavioural finance is an area in finance that highlighted on the investors behaviour and how they make their decision in understanding the pricing of assets and also explain the decisions of investors as rational actors. The rational actors are seeking for their self-interest, given the sometimes inefficient nature of the market. EMH revolves around the preferences and behaviour. Psychologist and also experiment economics found out that there is a departure from the normal paradigm of the investors in making their investments. Behaviour finance emerged since 1980 where it incorporates more behaviour science into finance decision making. Due to the excess volatility, dividend puzzle, equity premium and future returns in the capital market is seen as consistent in an efficient market but the truth is inconsistency do happen. According to behaviour finance good year performance may not lead to another good year but it could be otherwise. Issues in Behavioral Finance Behavioral finance has emerged due to the problems faced in the traditional theory in explaining why some financial phenomena happened. It is said that agents may be irrational in with their own reactions to new information and investment decisions. To undo mispricing created by the irrational investors may be difficult. Due to that, market is seen to inefficient. Psychological sees these in many views. People make mistakes when they perceive information and form their belief. Extensive evidence shows that individuals are overconfident in their judgement (Odean (1998), Barber ODean (2001)). When investors are overconfident, they tend to invest more and intensively. Due to greed, overconfident and also overreact to new information, investors would tend to make heavy losses. What make it difficult it when investors stick to their own conclusion interpreting the information. Once people have formed an opinion, they often stick to it and inadequately update their beliefs in the lieu of new information (Edwards (1968)). Human emotions and moods are also said to influence investors behavior. When investors are in the good mood they are willing to take higher risks compared to when they are in bad mood. In fact market returns are found to be higher on days of good weather than on days with heavy clouds and rain. Social influence and interaction with other investors are also coherent to th e behavior. Investors tend to follow others in making their investment, they tend to follow each other like in a herd. Herding leads more on the situation when an investor focuses more on other investors participation rather than evaluating the information of the particular security. Behavior finance changes the way how we look at capital markets. It is a new approach that has direct impact not only to investors but also others such as corporate finance, market regulators and policy makers. In behavior finance, the investors should not consistently expect to beat the market even at times when they succeed in getting abnormal returns from their investment. According to behavior finance, market is not always efficient. Good return may due to the available information. However, it is advised to actually spend some of the return and study the cause of mispricing that have cause the market to fluctuates. It is said that achieving higher returns is not only due to good analysis strategies but a better self control. Primary contribution of behavior finance is its potential help in beating the market. Summary of Researches This section will discuss the research finding from Malaysia ( KP Lim., Liew KS., and Wong HT, 2003), Africa (C Mlambo and N Biekpe, 2007) United States America (Jae H. Kim 2009) and Jordan (Mahdi M. Hadi, 2006) The first research which was done by Lim et. al, 2003 was the weak form EMH that generally holds in KLSE Malaysia and the existence of the linear and the non-linear dependencies. These dependencies appear at very random intervals for a short of time but then disappear again even before investors have the chance to exploit it. As we know efficient market hypothesis is a fair game where the prices changes in the security is reflected by any new information which was not taken into consideration earlier during the forming of current market price. The paper by Lim et al, 2003 focused on the weak form EMH where the historical price is the only determinant of the security prices. The price movement in a weak form occur randomly and successive price changes are independent of one another, i.e. random walk theory. Past price analysis has no meaning since the patterns observed in the past occurred purely by chance. The weak form Efficient Market Hypothesis has been studied since many years in KLSE. Malaysian stock market is inefficient in the weak form when weekly data were used but efficiency exist when monthly data were used. Test done by Von Nehmanns suggested that information that is based on historical prices is fully reflected in current price within a week but may not be fully impounded in current price within a day which conclude that Second Board of KLSE is weak form efficient with respect to weekly data. But when weekly data were used the efficiency of the Malaysian stock market has improved from a weak form inefficient market in mid 1980s to weak form efficient by late 80s and early 90s. Empirical evidence from various statistical test found out that the low trading volumes in most stocks and the possible price manipulations by those investors who own majority of the stocks might help to explain the findings of the runs test. The reason for departure from random walk is due to the presence of non-linear dependencies in the underlying data generating process which is now widely accepted as a salient feature of financial returns in general and stock returns series in particular. Non linearity has strong implication on the weak form EMH for it implies the potential of predictability in financial returns. Lim et. al (2003b.d) and Lim and Tan (2003) provided convincing evidence that non-linearity has a high effect in the underlying dynamics of the Malaysian stock market. Ko and Lee (1991:224) If the Random Walk Theory hypothesis holds, the weak form of efficient market but not vice versa. Thus evidence supporting the random walk model is the evidence of market efficiency. But violation of the random walk model need not be evidence of market inefficiency in the weak form. Kok and Lee (1994) and Kok and Goh (1995) argued that though daily price series are found to be serially correlated, the magnitude of their c orrelations is not large enough for any mechanical trading rules to be devised for profitable investment timing. In connection to the existence of linear/non-linear dependency structures to the concept of information arrival and market reactions to that information will prove to enlightening. It is said that if the market is efficient and the new information is useful then it shall be reflected quickly and unbiasedly into market prices. There is a rationalization the correlation between the weak-form EMH and behavioural finance in KLSE. The statistical properties of random walk, linear and non-linear dependencies are interpreted in the context of information arrival and how the market react to that information. The second research was done by C Mlambo and N Biekpe, 2007 with regard the weak form in the African Stock Market. Johannesburg Stock Exchange is found to be weak form efficient but using weekly data it is not weak form efficient. Studies that have used data on individual stocks used either monthly or weekly data rather than daily data due to non availability of computerised databases. Another argument for using data measured over longer time intervals in the problem of thin trading. Increasing the time interval is argued to reduce the potential biases associated with thin-trading by increasing the probability of having at least one trade in the interval. (Dickinson and Muragu, 1994). This paper studies the weak form efficiency of ten African stock markets using the serial correlation and runs tests African stock market emerged in the late 1980s and early 1990s and the latest in 2003. African stock exchanges are also the smallest in the world in terms of both number of listed stocks and market capitalisation. The majority of stock markets in Africa trade daily from Monday to Friday. The portfolio inflows to Africa have been disappointing due to unfavourable scenario is that acquisition of shares by foreigners is limited on some African stock markets. The Market Regulator was established on the back of poor regulatory and legislative frameworks. African stock markets are also known to be illiquid and characterised by thin trading (Mlambo and Biekpe, 2005) in comparison to stock markets in other regions. The delay market is perceived by African governments to be an indication of integration into the global economy. It is considered to be a sign of international legitimacy and a measure of a countrys modernisation and commitment to private sector-led development (Moss, 2004). The d ata used in this study are daily closing stock prices and volume traded for individual stocks. The markets in this study exhibit serious thin-trading for the periods under investigation. Positive serial correlation is usually considered to be a predictability phenomenon of the short run, while negative serial correlation is mostly a long run predictability phenomenon. The positive serial correlation on African Stock markets might also be a result of institutions imitating spreading their trades over several days to lessen the impact of trades in large volumes on the market (Asal, 2000). The weak market form efficiency if the NSX can probably be explained by the markets positive correlation with the JSE due to the significant number of stocks that are dual-listed on both markets. The efficiency of the NSX can thus be said to be spill over from, or a reflection of, the weak-form efficiency of the JSE. The weak form efficiency of the NSX was attributed to its correlation with the JSE. Kenya and Zimbabwe were also concluded as generally weak form efficient, since a significant number of stocks conformed to the random walk. The stock prices on the Mauritius market tend to deviate from the random walk hypothesis. The same conclusion was made for Ghana. The run test used here only tests for the existence of a linear relationship which makes it inadequate as a testing method on African stock markets where the return generating processes are assumed to be nonlinear. The use of linear models would thus lead to wrong inferences being drawn. Thus further research is required to test the random walk hypothesis. The third research that I would like to discuss is the market hypothesis in the United States America. Kim et al., (2009), study return predictability of the daily and weekly Dow-Jones Industrial Average indices from 1900 to 2009. The degree of return predictability is estimated using two autocorrelation test (variance ratio and portmanteau) statistics, implementing moving sub-sample windows of different lengths. They found strong evidence that changing of market condition has lead to return predictability. In particular, during market crashes (1929 and 1987), it was observed that return in unpredictable and when it is predictable it is very much associate with high level of doubt. When there is economic crisis, the return from the stock is very predictable even with moderate degree of uncertainty. Whereas during economic bubbles, return predictability and its uncertainty have been smaller than normal times. Our results are in strong support of the adaptive markets hypothesis, which claim that changing market conditions drive the key market features such as the return predictability. They examine the degree of return predictability of the U.S. stock market using the century-long Dow-Jones industrial index. As measures of return predictability, they used their findings and complements with the recent study by Neely et al. (2009) who report the evidence in favour of the adaptive markets hypothesis for the foreign exchange market in the context of profitability of technical trading rules. The statistics from the automatic variance ratio and automatic portmanteau tests. To detect possible non-linear dependence in stock return, the generalized spectral test has been implemented. They obtain monthly time-varying measures of return predictability by applying these tests to moving sub-sample windows over monthly grids. A regression analysis is conducted to determine how these measures of return predictability are related to changing market conditions and economic fundamentals. They also find evidence for cyclical evolution of return predictability, in which changing market conditions are important factors for the degree of return predictability. It is found that, during market crashes, no return predictability is evident but its uncertainty has been exceptionally high. However, during economic and political crises, a high degree of return predictability is observed, but only with moderate degree of uncertainty. During bubble times, the return predictability and its uncertainty are found to be lower than normal times. Contrary to the general findings of past empirical and survey studies, we have found evidence the U.S. market has become more efficient after 1980. This is convincing given that the U.S. market has implemented a various measures of market innovations in the 1960s and 19070s, and that US macroeconomic fundamentals have become much more stable since 1980. In addition, there have been fewer occurrences of economic and political crises after 1980 than before. Our finding is a manifestation of the adaptive markets hypothesis, which argues that dynamic market conditions govern the degree of stock market efficiency. Finally this paper will discuss on efficient market hypothesis in Jordan capital market. This paper by M. Hadi (2006) noted that the objective of accounting numbers is to provide the financial data about the performance of certain enterprise in order to help the managers, investors, shareholders and government authorities in making their decisions. On the other hand, the purpose of accounting research is to estimate the value of accounting data to all investors and other users. Furthermore, the purpose of capital market research is to examine the association between accounting numbers and security return and to test whether or not accounting data carry any information content to security market, and if so it should be impounded in the security price, the results show the security market reacted with mixed signal on releasing profitability, liquidly, and solvency information. This paper identified EMH and provided some detail on the types of EMH, as well as identifying the empirical research that tested weak, semi-strong and strong forms of market efficiency. Accounting market based research more often assumes that market is efficient in semi-strong form, and the reason for this is that financial reports are considered public information once they are released to the market. In this paper empirical evidence has been provided from Jordanian market, and it shows the security market reacted with mixed signal on releasing profitability, liquidly, and solvency information. The selection of the relevant pricing model is very critical in market-based research. Brown and Warner (1980) investigate how different methods performed when some abnormal performance was present. They conclude that There is no evidence that more complicated methodology conveys any benefit. (Brown and Warner, 1980). Also, they argue that using more complicated models will make the researc her worse off. Furthermore, the use of the market model or even simple models such as mean adjusted return is better than more complicated models like control portfolio. 5.0 Conclusion The relationship between finance and other social sciences that has become known as behavioural finance has led to a strong and deepen of our knowledge of financial market. In judging the impact of behavioural finance to date, there is still no exact one method that can make an investors gain high profit. For instance in situation where efficient markets theory may lead to drastically incorrect interpretations of events such as major stock market bubbles. . Indeed, we have to divert our presumption that financial markets always work well and that price changes always reflect genuine information. Evidence from behavioral finance helps us to understand, for example, that the recent worldwide stock market boom, and then crash after 2000, had its origins in human foibles and arbitrary feedback relations and must have generated a real and substantial misallocation of resources. The challenge for economists is to make this reality a better part of their models. It is found that in Malaysia, there is co existence of weak form EMH and behavioural finance. Unlike in Africa, there are mix of two findings where conforms to the random walk theory and also deviate from the theory. Whereas in United States, it is claim that return predictability and market efficiency and investors behaviour are considered as highly context dependent and dynamic by changing market conditions. Whereas in Jordanian market shows the security market reacted with mixed signal on releasing profitability, liquidly, and solvency information. Further research is suggested in Malaysia to incorporate the issue of model adequacy where the characteristic was found in the returns series and can be used to construct a better economic model. Whereas in Africa it is suggested to test on the existence of linear relationship in the stock markets where the return generating processes are assumed to be linear. In Kuwait, a few research has been investigated in market efficiency in strong form, it is suggested that for future research test for insider information should be investigated.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Freedom of Speech in Cyberspace -- Internet Web Cyberspace Essays
Freedom of Speech in Cyberspace Since the public has logged onto the internet there has been vast amounts of information available. Since the 1990s more and more countries have entered into the information age. Due to the lack of freedom of speech in several countries, censorship has now taken on a prevalent role in the suppression of information. Many countries view a great deal of information as a threat if put into the wrong hands and as a consequence attempt to reduce its availability. However, unlike many of its other counterparts, the United States takes a very liberal stance towards the access if information on the Internet, which is protected by the First Amendament. In contrast to this philosophy, the Saudi Arabian government, in an act to suppress and censor the prevalence of the information on the internet, has established laws and regulations that prohibit public access to the internet for religious and social reasons. The United States has had internet access for over a decade now and information and usage has flourished. The technology development over the last five years has promoted internet access across the country with internet access in homes and businesses increasing exponentially. With any ISP a person decides to use there is no censorship or filtration system which limits their access to any part of the internet. ISPs and multiple companies’ offer software which helps restrict children’s access to pornographic sites or sites that parents deem harmful to their children, but the companies to explicitly filter the content that is received at a personal computer. There have been laws that have been revoked by the Supreme Court or regional courts which have tried to regulate or filter Internet access[i... ...4/22/2004) [iv] McCarthy, Martha. (2003). Internet Censorship: United States v. American Library Association. (4/22/2004) [v] Committee to Protect Journalists. (2003) Attacks on the Press 2003: Mideast (4/22/2004) [vi] Human Rights Watch. (1999) The Internet In the Mideast And North Africa – Country Profiles-Saudi Arabia (4/22/2004) [vii] Zittrain, Jonathan and Edelman, Benjamin. (2002) . Documentation of Internet Filtering in Saudi Arabia. (4/22/2004) [viii] Human Rights Watch. (1999) The Internet In the Mideast And North Africa – Country Profiles-Saudi Arabia (4/22/2004) [ix] Committee to Protect Journalists. (2003) Attacks on the Press 2003: Mideast (4/22/2004) [x] Committee to Protect Journalists. (2003) Attacks on the Press 2003: Mideast (4/22/2004) [xi] Jehl, Douglas. (1999). The Internet’s ‘Open Sesame’ Is Answered Warily. (4/22/2004)
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Canine Heartworm Disease Essay -- Heartworm Disease Dogs
Canine Heartworm Disease Canine Heartworm Disease is a serious and potentially fatal disease caused by the parasite Dirofilaria Immitis. The disease can infect over 30 species, including humans, however dogs are the definitive host. The most common way this disease is transmitted from one animal to the next is through mosquitoes. A mosquito carrying infective heartworm larvae bites a dog and transmits the infection to them. The larvae grow, develop, and migrate in the body over a period of 6 to 7 months, in which time they become sexually mature male and female worms. this is the prepatent period. The worms then reside in the heart, lungs, and associated blood vessels. The worms begin to mate and release microfilaria into the blood stream. When a mosquito bites an infected dog it takes in some of the microfilaria in the blood. After 10 to 30 days there is larvae in the mosquito’s salivary gland which can then be passed on to the next dog the mosquito bites. Canine Heartworm Disease can also be transmitted to puppies through the placenta of an infected mother. However in this case the puppies will only be carriers, but this makes them at risk of severe reactions when starting canine heartworm prevention. Another way larvae can be passed is through blood transfusions. To prevent this all donors must be cleared of heartworm disease before donating. Dogs infected with Canine Heartworm Disease can have from 1 to 250 worms living in them for 5 to 7 years. The organs us...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Decisions in Robert Frosts The Road Not Taken Essay -- Analysis Road
Decisions in Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken Throughout our lives we are faced with a number of important decisions, decisions that determine an unseen future. The choices, though often virtually identical, lead to different destinies and often leave us asking "what if?" There are not always signs telling us the way to go or the choice to make; we must find out what lies ahead for ourselves. In his "The Road Not Taken," Robert Frost relates to the reader such a choice, symbolic, perhaps of any major decision in life. The traveler in Frost's poem must blindly decide between two similar paths, and this decision greatly affects his life thereafter. In the opening stanza, Frost takes the reader into a "yellow wood," setting the scene. Both this location and time of year are important in the description of the traveler's decision. The idea of being in a forest brings to mind towering trees and plants blocking everything but the path traveled. This image is a way of showing that even though we all are different, everyone must follow certain guidelines. The traveler then "looked down one [path] as ... ...and it has changed his life. As travelers on paths of life, we come to a number of forks each day, and the directions we choose there shape our unique lives. Sources Cited and Consulted Mike Bellah. "The Road Not Taken." Best Years. Online. World Wide Web. 29 Jul 2004. Finger, L. L. "Frost's 'The Road Not Taken': a 1925 Letter come to Light." American Literature 50. Online. World Wide Web. 20 Jul. 2004. Frost, Robert. "The Road Not Taken." The Poetry of Robert Frost. Ed. Edward Connery, Lathem. New York: Hot, Rinehart and Winston, 1969.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Sustainability – Case Study: Zimbabwe
Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Locate and identify with a sketch map the geography of Zimbabwe. Zimbabwe is a landlocked country located in southern eastern Africa. The terrain is mostly high plateau with a higher central plateau (high veld – any of the open grazing areas of southern Africa) and mountains in the east. Zimbabwe covers an area of 39000 sq. kms and has a population of 12.8 million of which 35% are urbanised. Half of these are in the capital city which is Harare (located by the red dot on the map). What are the challenges that face Zimbabwe today? You can read also Costco Case Study There is racial divide as only 2% of the population is white; of the majority black population 71% are Shona and 16% Ndebele. The country is now effectively bankrupt. Social service provision is in decline and unemployment is running at 60%. From being self sufficient in basic food stuffs it is estimated that in 2003/2004 only one third of its main staple food maize will be available. Half the population are said by an O.E.C.D. Report (2003) to be facing starvation without outside aid. There are spatial inequalities such as at the periphery. The World Bank (1999) estimated the 6 million population in the communal lands live on less than an average of 1US$ a head per day and that 58% live under the poverty line compared with 8% in the core. The periphery lacks urbanisation, rail and road networks, power grids, mining estates, manufacturing and various forms of social infrastructure. From 1990 – to date the government moved away from a direct attempt to address the issue of regional inequalities towards economic policies which benefited the core region but which it was hoped would also bring spread effects to the periphery. The core is still dominated by a capitalist based and export orientated economy. There is extreme social dualism, 20% of the population command 60% of the country's GDP and are mainly urban based. Since 2000 an ill thought out Fast Track land reform programme, together with illegal land occupation of white commercial farms, has failed to significantly relieve pressure on communal lands and crippled the commercial agriculture sector which was a main source of food supply and the major source of exports. Outline the urgent priorities that Zimbabwe faces today. Reduction of regional inequalities is a central policy under the government's declared principle of ‘Equity with Growth'. They are a result of a combination of interrelated factors: Natural resource disparities and natural events such as periodic drought, Economic forces, core periphery contrasts, a failure of government policies, external factors operating from 1890. From 1998, and particularly following the controversial 2000 general election, Zimbabwe has been plunged into crisis as a result of a number of factors – periodic droughts, the Aids epidemic, rampant inflation adversely affecting both internal finances and the country's competitiveness in overseas markets and a collapse in all major sectors of the economy. The crippled commercial agriculture sector which was a main source of food supply and the major source of exports, brought about by the land reform programme. This contributes to widespread food shortages and economic downturn from exports.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Palermo and Genoa
This is an individual assignment to discuss culture characteristics and its effects to a cuisines environment. Thus, this assignment will show the understanding of the culture importance, and providing the methods for cross culture management. For the full-scale of culture application to business environment cognitive competencies, this assignment will discuss the culture characteristics, analyze the culture for international business operation, study the culture synthesis, and then give recommendations according to the applications of business environment in particular.According the requirement of this assignment, I have chosen the country f Italy to complete the tasks of this assignment. 2. The Background of Italy Italy is a unified peninsula country in the south of Europe, and it looks like a boot in the world map. The neighbor countries of Italy are surrounded by Andorra, Monaco, France, Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia, Albania and Greece. The total size of Italy is 116306 square miles. Italy has total 1120 cities; the largest cities are including Rome, Milan, Naples, Turin, Palermo and Genoa.Giuseppe Amazing formed the Resorting being the foundation of Italy unity. Mr.. Count Camille Did Cavort, the leader of House of Savoy in Sardinia united Italy in 1852, and he obtained the lands of Lombardy, Roman, Tuscany, Pram, Sicily, and Naples. In 1861, Italians claimed Victor Emmanuel II as their king, who received Venetian in 1886. Finally, the papal of Rome announced Italy is a unified peninsula nation independently with one constitutional monarchy on 20th September 1870 (infeasible. Com, 2014). Italy is a republic country with its own constitution desiring for peace and harmony.Italians dislike fighting in the wars. Thus, Italy declared its neutrality in the World War l. Even through, Italy fight with Allies in 191 5 and gained some lands, but after the postwar, Italy returned the lands Allies. After the Fascist Party dictatorship of Mr.. Mussolini from 28th O ctober 1922 to 28th April 1945, Italians plebiscite voted to have a republic nation in June 1946 successfully. Moreover, Italian returns the lands to Greece and France according to the peace treaty on 15th September 1947. Italy constitution was created in 1948 (inconsiderableness. Com, 2014).Italy strategy builds its economy successfully by being an integral member of NATO & joining the European Economic Community. In Jan 1999, Italy currency was permitted by Treasury Secretary Carlo Scampi. Nowadays, the economics of Italy is diversified by many industries, and the well-developed industrial in the north are most held by private companies. Although Italy has experienced the global crisis in 2008, but Italy GAP of Italy increased from US$1737. 8 billion in 2004 to US$1982. 94 billion Jug 2014 (Satanist. Com, 2014). According to the source of the Italy history, the main religion of Italy is Roman Catholicism.The Roman Catholicism centre is in the Vatican City, and the pope also stays in it. Islam is the second religion in Italy sources from the immigrants of Muslim. Non-Catholic Christians is the third religion in Italy, but it is in a small group due to the only few Jews left after the War II (Kim, 2014). Actually, Italy has a long Roman history, because the Rome Empire controlled Italy with the Roman leadership for about 22 centuries, which covers the most of the Italy history and made Italy a Roman Catholicism country from its root. Therefore, Italy becomes the cultural center for the Western world during the period of 13th to 16th century.According to the religion characteristics of Roman Catholicism, family is the most liable social structure, because family can stabilize their family members by supporting each other with emotion and finance. In the religion of Roman Catholicism environment, you can see the Catholic churches in Italy are more than any other country. In this kind of religion country, you can see them in many lobbies and buildings, and you wi ll find people's names, and trade in particular patron saint. The church proclaims transparent hierarchy to Italy. Respect is provided to older people, successful businessman, and well-connected people (quintessential. O. UK, 2014). This part will give the recommendations for doing business in Italy according to its culture of history, geography, language, education, religion, social structure, political, and economic philosophy. 4. 1 Respect Different cultural customs Although, it is 96% of them are native Italians and speak Italian, but they may have different mother tongue or dialect and culture customs. Therefore, we have to respect each of them accordingly. To an international business, knowing the local culture is as knowing the needs of the local people.If you can provide the thing to hat area's people, you will have business opportunity (La Verne, 2008). 4. 2 Well-managed Cross Culture Management There are cultural conflicts between cultures. Therefore, international busines smen need to understand the difference and culture conflicts between each of them. Hence, the cross culture management needs to be created and studied by businessman and his staffs. Because you will have contact with local staff and customers, developing a well-managed cross culture management will help the stabilization of the employees and increase your business market share Sweatshops, 2010). . 3 Follow the religion characteristics of Roman Catholic As we know that the Roman Catholic is one of the largest and biggest religion in Italy, and Italy is the culture centre of Europe. To follow the Roman Catholic characteristics is one of the best and fastest ways to fit into global international business to the local and the whole Europe (Mary, 2011). If you can put your business to fit into the Roman Catholic quickly, your business can be accepted by the Roman Catholics easily (Italy Mineral and Mining Sector Investment and Business Guide, 2014).
Nostalgia in “Where I Come from”
â€Å"Where I Come From†is a poem in which Elizabeth Brewster expresses her nostalgic emotions and yearning for the tranquility and yearning for the nature of her hometown. The vivid imagery, which stimulates the readers' senses plays an important role in intensifying the vehemence of her emotions. Brewster also expresses her nostalgia in a way that makes readers empathic with her strong yearning. The lack of rhyming scheme in this piece conveys a sense of fickleness and uniqueness. People are made of places,†she says, which I believe specifically meaner that people re made of places that they belong to, that people do not â€Å"carry with them hints of†manmade cities and skyscrapers because they do not belong there, but they belong in the â€Å"Jungles and mountains†as mankind itself is a piece of nature. Furthermore, Brewster uses â€Å"people†as a metaphor for herself, thus being the reason for her intense yearning. â€Å"Smell of smog†in the fourth line radiates a strong imagery of the blurry matter, blinding people from the pathway of their goals.Therefore, the phrase represents Brewster melancholy and strong sense of uncertainty. Her description of the scent f spring as â€Å"the almost-not-smell of tulips†conveys a sense of disappointment as not even a single whole thing of nature remains in the synthetic world of the modern age. Brewster then mentions the scent of museums, the scent of old, once-functional items that are kept only for the sake of history. This serves as a medium to further convey her nostalgia.She then mentions the scent of â€Å"work, glue factories†, â€Å"chromium-plated offices†, and â€Å"subways†. Her choice of mentioning only the dullest and most mundane scents of the contemporary realm depicts her dissatisfaction tit it, in comparison to what her old settlement had to offer. â€Å"Burned-out†, â€Å"old†, and â€Å"battered†, she des cribes her hometown, yet she still yearns for it. From this, it is concluded that it is not the quality of the items she seeks, but the tranquility and beauty.Brewster included the very fragrant and soothing scent of â€Å"pine woods†and â€Å"blueberry†, further strengthening the former point. â€Å"With yards where hens and chickens circle about,†she says. The image of the Jaunty animals provides an aura of mirthful glee, which is precisely what she experiences while being in the less hectic environment. She also stated that the â€Å"hens and chickens†are â€Å"clucking aimlessly†, depicting a sense of insouciance. Therefore, her wistfulness is caused by her longing for the blithe and airy nature of her hometown. Spring and winter are the mind's chief seasons†; in this line, Brewster has started to tolerate with the circumstance she is place in in that present and that the benefit in simply yearning is nonexistent. â€Å"Ice and the br eaking of ice†symbolisms her adamantly of belonging in a place of nature, as it starts to fade, thus exposing herself Brewster then allows the door to her memories to â€Å"blow open†and let the â€Å"frosty mind†that is her haunting memories to be blown and fade away.Her description of her memories as â€Å"frosty†depicts her acknowledgement and awareness of how her nostalgia has turned her into an aloof person whose gaze illustrates none but melancholy. In conclusion, this poem is the tale of Elizabeth Brewster momentary misery and despair due to her nostalgia, which she overcomes as she realizes that the past is not all there is, which is the fickle element of the poem. Therefore, this poem is not a mere chronicle, but Brewster message of counsel too.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Cadbury Case Study
INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING (BHO1171) – Sem 2, 2012 Individual Case Study (15%) Due Date: Week 7 (29/8/2012, Wednesday 5pm) Students will be evaluated on how well they analyze the case study by applying the right theories and concepts. The case topic is â€Å"Chocolate consumers feel guilty for the wrong reasons†. At the end of the case study, there are a number of questions in which students need to find answers and justifications. Students need to write a formal business report with a length of 2000 words using 12 pt fonts and 1. 5 spacing.The report must be handed in Week 7 (refer to the due date stated above). Please do not only focus on the article and the texts in getting the answers. Students are advised to refer to at least four (4) academic journals, with additions of materials from newspapers, magazines and Internet websites in analyzing and interpreting the case study questions. They need to acknowledge any borrowed citations or any information under reference lists by using Harvard Referencing System (Please refer to Communication Skills Handbook). Your report must be submitted to Turnitin and cleared.The allowable percentage of match is 25%. Upon uploading, please exclude the table of content, reference and bibliography lists. Do not forget to attach together the first page of the Turnitin digital receipt on top of the hardcopy of your assignment. PLEASE DO NOT SHARE YOUR ANSWERS AND REFERENCES WITH YOUR FRIENDS. ASSIGNMENTS WITH HIGH PERCENTAGE OF MATCH (BASED ON TURNITIN REPORT) WILL BE PENALIZED! Sample of a Business Report (with word limits as an approximate guide for each section) Declaration Form†Cover Page (can be downloaded from ELearn) Turnitin digital receipt (first page)Cover Page †¢ Report Title: Individual Case Study – â€Å"Chocolate consumers feel guilty for the wrong reasons††¢ Prepared for: Name of Lecturer & Tutor Victoria University †¢ Prepared/Written by:Student Name VU ID No. †¢ Date of Submission: †¢ Tutorial Group: Executive Summary †¢ Inclusive of the:Introduction of the report Content of the report Conclusion and recommendations of the report †¢ Should be written only after analysis is completed. †¢ Do not repeat by using the same sentences and words as the ones used in the report. †¢ Must spell out and explain the summary instead of just â€Å"out-lining†it. Should not be exceeding one page length and paragraphing is encouraged. †¢ Guide – Approximate word count = 300 – 400 Table of Contents †¢ Titles and subtitles †¢ Page numbers †¢ Appendices (if attached) †¢ Must be typed and not handwritten 1. 0 Introduction (Must include these four main components) †¢ Purpose of writing the report †¢ Short summary of the case study †¢ Relevant marketing theory definition and explanation (Briefly) †¢ Guide – Approximate word count =300 – 400 (Make use o f paragraphs) 2. 0 Problems/issues Identification 3. 0 Analysis †¢ No Assumptions and No own opinions!Only proven facts will be accepted. Every statement made must be referenced and listed under bibliography page and reference list. †¢ Do not use â€Å"I†, â€Å"We†when writing reports. Do not personalize the report but instead use third party language. †¢ Guide – Approximate word count =500 – 600 4. 0 Recommendations/Choices of solutions †¢ List the courses of action, which, the writer, think, is the most appropriate to the firm †¢ Be specific and not general in giving suggestions. †¢ Must be related to the facts mentioned in the case study article. †¢ Guide – Approximate word count =400 . 0 Conclusion †¢ Brief presentation of the major findings that have been discovered within the content of the report. (Do not repeat the things you have mentioned in the content because a summary IS NOT a conclusion! ) â⠂¬ ¢ Guide – Approximate word count =200 List of References †¢ The reference list at the end of the report should be alphabetically ordered. †¢ You are required to refer to at least 4 academic journal articles and also to some numbers of texts, magazine/newspaper articles and websites. (Please refer to the Communication Skills Handbook on how to write referencing)IMPORTANT NOTE! YOU CAN ONLY USE THE ACADEMIC JOURNALS, WHICH CAN BE OBTAINED FROM DATABASES LIKE EBSCOHOST, EMERALD AND ETC. PLEASE REFER TO THE REFERENCE LIBRARIAN FOR FURTHER DETAILS. YOU CANNOT SEARCH FOR THESE MATERIALS USING WIKIPEDIA, GOOGLE OR YAHOO SEARCH. Appendices (optional) †¢ Should be kept at minimum †¢ If it is so detailed and long, put it into the content of report †¢ Give each appendix a number and a title and enter it into the Table of Contents †¢ Do not put in any of the journal articles that you have used for your report Note: 1.Students are to write using formal, bu siness-like tone for this report. This means there should be no usage of â€Å"I†, â€Å"We†, and â€Å"You†in this report. 2. They are also encouraged to write clear and concise expression of English language. 3. There should be a logical flow of sequence. 4. The report should also be free from excessive spelling and grammatical errors. Hence, before submission, proofreading must be done. 5. Please also write the word count at the end of the report (after the conclusion section). INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING (BHO 1171) Individual Case Study (15%) Marking Sheet Semester 2, 2012 CRITERION |Very Good |Good |Satisfactory (met min. |Inadequate |Not addressed / Weak |Mark | | | | |requirements) | | | | |Introduction and |The issue/problem chosen is |The issue/problem chosen is |The issue/problem chosen is |The issue/problem chosen has |The ssue/problem is not |/2 | |problem/issue identification |appropriate and is clearly stated in|appropriate with elaboration |appropr iate |limited relevance |identified | | |(2%) |the assignment with justification | | | | | | |Problem analysis and | |Can analyse a range of |Can evaluate the reliability of |Can analyse a limited range of |Fails to analyse information. /5 | |justification (5%) |Can critically review evidence and |information, select appropriate|information using defined |information. Limited & only |Fails to evaluate or use | | | |analyse situations using a wide |techniques of evaluation. |techniques. Has given a factual |partially accurate evaluation of |techniques of evaluation, or | | | |range of techniques appropriate to |Appropriate issue/problem is |&/or conceptual knowledge base |information using defined |evaluations are totally invalid | | | |the topic.Thorough explanation of |explained and analysed | |techniques | | | | |the chosen issue/problem and is well| | | | | | | |analysed | | | | | | |Formulation of alternatives |Recommendations with reliability, |Clearly explained |Relevant recom mendations made |Vague recommendations, limited |No recommendations or are |/3 | |or possible solutions and |validity & significance |recommendations which relate | |solutions |obscured by poor mechanics | | |recommendations (3%) | |closely to the case | | | | | | |Fluent writing style appropriate to |Language fluent. Grammar & |Language mainly fluent. Grammar &|Meaning apparent, but language |Meaning unclear &/or grammar |/2 | |English expression |document. Grammar & spelling |spelling accurate |spelling mainly accurate |not always fluent.Grammar &/or |&/or spelling contain frequent | | |(sentence/paragraph |accurate | | |spelling contain errors |errors | | |construction, spelling, | | | | | | | |grammar and punctuation) (2%)| | | | | | | |Use of relevant references | |Demonstrates wide range of |Uses some appropriate literature |Uses only very limited |Fails to use relevant literature|/3 | |and referencing in written |Demonstrates wide range of reading |reading from a variety of | material in the assignment. |appropriate literature material |material in the assignment. | | |report (3%) |including from academic peer |credible sources. Referencing |Referencing is mainly accurate. |in the assignment. Some attempt |Referencing is absent/ | | | |reviewed journals in the appropriate|is mainly accurate | |at referencing. unsystematic | | | |area. Referencing is consistently | | | | | | | |accurate both within & at end of | | | | | | | |document | | | | | | â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ TOTAL: /15
Friday, September 13, 2019
Case Study Analysis - Facebook Faces Up Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Case Study Analysis - Facebook Faces Up - Essay Example With 200 million users, Facebook has no other way but up as it will naturally grow in number over time and eventually affect our lives because of the impact it brings (Mezrich, 2009). With the vast number of applications available at Facebook, it is no wonder that it is the current number one networking site. It is an amalgamation of all the good things that the now generation is hoping to see and simultaneously utilize. It has photo sharing, video sharing and wall posting among other things. Connectivity has never been easier, in it there’s almost no need for any messaging software as you can easily see who among your friends are online and automatically chat with them. An inbox is also at the users’ disposal which functions pretty much like an email. Friends can also be tagged in personally posted photos where it will instantly be included in their photo list. Perhaps one of its groundbreaking applications that have gained tremendous popularity is the advent of social networking games within the site that are quite addicting. Pet Society, Mafia Wars, Farmville, Farmtown, RestaurantVille and YoVille are just some of these. Here, members can take part in interactive and Role Playing Games that mostly involves having interface with other members of your community. These applications are very helpful in how Facebook is viewed as a marketing goldmine and how this now billion-dollar business is continually growing by the second. The fact that it has grown as more than a niche for college students and recent college graduates post a problem for the website as it may turn to the alienation of its target market. This is a common problem as the company grows. And since it is a web-based social networking tool, the possibility of something to come forward and attract its market is tantamount. The current traffic can be attributed to 11.5 million 35 years old and above visitors and the 150, 000 daily new
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