Tools of Destiny Come, Ahabs compliments to ye; come and see if ye can cut off me. ignore me? Ye can non swerve me, else ye yourselves! Man has ye there. Swerve me? The passage to my fixed subprogram is laid with iron rails, whereon my soul is grooved to run. Over chthonicstood gorges, through the rifled hearts of mountains, under torrents beds, unerringly I rush! Naughts an obstacle, naughts an angle to the iron musical mode! (337) In the passage above, Ahab is dauntless anyone on the ship to lark about him from his purpose, which is to upgrade vengeance on Moby hawkshaw and ultimately stop over all vicious. In Moby rooster by Herman Melville, Ahab needs to gain vengeance on Moby Dick for taking his leg and sees himself as the last line of defence of good against darkness. Ahab endangers the lives of all his ships crew by taking them on a journey to erase one of the most woman chaser beasts in the ocean. As a captain, Ahab cannot be so self-centred and ignore the advice of his sailors. In addition to avenging Moby Dick, Ahab sees himself as the destroyer of evil. He feels that if he kills Moby Dick, he is destroying all evil in the world.

Ahab not only goes on this journey to gain his vengeance on Moby Dick, but to a fault to rid the world of all evil; even though his ignorance costs his crew members their lives. Ahabs motives set him obscure from others hunting the flannel run. He is driven by vengeance, not so oftentimes against the beast as what the beast represents. To Ahab, the whale is an agent of an evil and tyrannical divinity. He refuses to be a vic tim of inspired vengeance. He will not run! for down to ecclesiastic power or pray for... If you urgency to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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